Friday, 24 February 2017

I should have done this sooner

Son is 16 months old. He had been taking naps and going to sleep at night with a bottle of water. Husband and I had been going back and forth over finally taking it away once and for all. Husband would tell me that baby would grow out of it when ready and I insisted that baby was too old for it.I finally got tired of the stupid bottle. Son would look for it and whine for it in order to relax. If he saw it during the day he would cry for it even though he was not hungry or thirsty. Finally, I decided to just hide it.The first couple of nights the baby whined or would want me to refill his sippy cup a million times. Each time I put him in the crib without a bottle or sippy cup and let him fuss for about 30 minutes until he calmed down and went to sleep.The last two days have felt like I have a different child. He starts getting tired, so I read to him and cuddle for a bit. I then lay him in the crib and he doesn't scream anymore or try to cling to me. I tell him I love him, crack the door, and he goes to sleep without any protest.I should have done this months ago. Goodbye for good Mr. Bottle. via /r/Parenting

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