Monday, 27 February 2017

Should I eat the cost of a disneyland ticket to teach daughter a lesson?

My sweet, overachieving 9 y/o daughter R has suddenly developed an atrocious attitude. She's become bossy and loud. She complains constantly that she needs new everything and deserves it for getting good grades. She's pissed off all her friends with her mean girl attitude and got temporarily suspended for spitting on a girl at school who was wearing the same headband as she was. I'm horrified because she's never acted this way in her life. We took away her phone and privileges but the attitude has only gotten worse.Every year she goes to Disneyland with the same group of friends for a birthday. Her friend's mom gets a discount so she pays for the tickets and we pay her back. I was going to pull R from the trip for her behavior but my friend already bought the girls tickets, not knowing. It's not easily refundable. I'll have to pay for the ticket anyway, is it really worth it to prove a point? It seems ridiculous to me that she would go on a trip like this with the way she's behaved but that's a bit of money. Her dad thinks we should let her go and let her know she'll be punished afterward. via /r/Parenting

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