So our little is 3. She has zero interest in climbing out of her crib. When she wakes up in the morning she hollers out "Good morning!" until someone comes and gets her. Great, right?No.She is a very big kid. She is starting to outgrow her crib by length. Lifting her into the crib is really hard for me because I am short so I have to lift her up partially over my head for her feet to clear the edge, and she likes to hook her feet on it while I am putting her in. My husband has an easier time, but even that is starting to bug his back when she thinks it is funny to hook her feet on the bar, etc. She weighs over 40lbs, so she isn't light. (Her BMI is 17 so she isn't fat, just very tall).I have asked friends and everyone looks at me like I am insane for wanting to move her out of her crib when she is perfectly happy to be in it. Part of their reasoning is that she has slept through the night perhaps a half dozen times in her life. She does not sleep well at all, and they (and we) worry that having a regular bed means she will never sleep at this point and just stay up playing all night. She barely sleeps as it is, and that is because she is contained and has no choice.Looking for advice of perhaps others who have been in this situation? Thanks. via /r/Parenting
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