I'm beginning to slowly die, I think.Some background info:Little man, who is 11 months old, has never been a great sleeper. I entirely blame myself. He's an IVF baby (my second) after a miscarriage and I miscarried his twin. To say I'm attached is a bit of an understatement.He is breastfed and on solids, and drinks water. Due to several allergies (which are being reassessed next month), he has had no dairy or dairy-alternative products. He has never taken a pacifier, much to my chagrin.My husband was traveling for a few months (from when he was 5-9 months) so I dealt with the nights on my own, and it was easier to just feed him back to sleep than let him cry, which probably didn't help the situation in the long term.We tried CIO and I crack after about 45 minutes. My husband tries to comfort him and he screams goddamn bloody murder and just screams "mama". I plan on weaning him at 12 months once we find out what he can tolerate, so I need to find some way to night wean him and teach him to self-soothe. He does have a blanket. Half the time I put him in the bed (the first time) he's awake, the other time he falls asleep while I'm feeding. So he CAN fall asleep initially on his own, but he doesn't know what to do when he wakes up at night, it seems.Suggestions? He was up every two hours last night. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2ksB9oy
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