Ok this is my first time using reddit so if I mess up I apologize. I've been lurking this sub for years but this is my first time making a post.I want to keep this short and sweet. My daughter met another little girl at school two years ago, her name is Jessica, and they because fast friends. I have met Jessica's family on several occasions and they seem like nice enough people. My husband and I usually let our kid stay the night at other peoples houses after meeting the parents and knowing them about a year, so our daughter has stayed the night there three or four times.So let me sort of explain what the issue is. Jessica and her family are...large. Over the past two years that we have known them, Jessica has passed from the overweight catagory into childhood obesity. I personally, have put a lot of effort into teaching our daughter good eating habits and I've paid special attention to keeping her active. Our household is focuses on eating wholesome food from scratch, and having treats every once and awhile. Food is not a big deal in our house. We eat normal foods and portions but avoid anything packaged. This was something important to me and my husband when we got pregnant.So back to Jessica and her family. The first few times our child went over to Jessica's house, I didn't really think too much about what the food situation over there was going to be like. One morning, I went to pick our daughter up when she came out of the house with Jessica's clothes on. I asked her mom why she had changed and she told me "I guess [daughter] ate too much at dinner last night and ended up barfing down her front". This puzzled me for a couple reasons. Like why wouldn't Jessica's mom call me if my daughter threw up? Why was my kid stuffing herself to illness? We got in the car and I pressed my kid further about the situation. She said that she liked going to Jessica's house because she gets stuffed up like a giant marshmallow? This is not normal behavior for her. I asked why she was eating herself sick. Apparently Jessica's family likes to bring home fast food dinners, and the impression I got from my daughter was that Jessica's family had been pressuring her to eat more than she could handle. I have several problems with this obviously. I didn't let our kid go back to Jessica's house for awhile because I didn't really know what to do. Eventually our daughter was getting upset at not being allowed to go over to Jessica's so I offered to let Jessica come over to our house. Nope. She wants to go to Jessica's! Ok fine. This time I pack some healthy snack foods and I dropper her off after dinner so she wouldn't eat with them and she would have her own food if she got hungry. I was unhappy with the types of food she was eating over there obviously.When I went to get her the next morning, Jessica's mother gave me a earful. It doesn't really matter what she said, but the gist of it is basically I'm a shit person for sending my kid to her house hungry with grapes and that they were considering contacting the school about my neglect.These wackjobs actually think I sent my kid to their house without eating ( I didn't, she had dinner at home), and I was going to be reported for sending her to a friends house with healthy snacks? Honestly I'm really disgusted with the situation. I don't mean to get nasty here but if anyone here is guilty of neglect it's Jessica's parents for setting her up for a life of hard ship and not teaching her what normal freaking food is!!! Edit: I'm sorry for the formatting fail Ok, what do I do here? My kid loves her friend. She obviously is enjoying her sleepovers there. What do I do if I get contacted my a child protective agent? Do I cut contact with these people? My husband thinks the whole thing is hilariously stupid and thinks they are empty threats. Does anyone have any insight on this situation? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2aqPfG0
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