Friday, 1 July 2016

Is your kid better behaved with dad or others than with mum?

We have 3 children - twin boys (two years old) and a girl, 5. All of them are much better behaved when mum isn't around. I (dad) have no problem putting the to bed, getting them into the car, feeding them etc. If their mother is around (or indeed if she is alone with them) they cry and scream a lot and she finds it really hard work (they won't listen to her, run away, scream, throw food), which just doesn't happen (or very rarely) with me or their grandparents, babysitter, etc. She is getting upset (understandably) by this, so much that actually being told that they behaved well puts her in a bad mood. I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience. How did you deal with it? via /r/Parenting

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