I have five kids. My oldest is my son at 10 1/2. My girls are 6, 3, 2, and 1. Obviously the girls won’t be too independent for a while. My son however I realized that I haven’t thought him much things to get him ready to start being independent. I’m not sure where to start because I want him to start to learn to cook basic meals for himself, do chores without prompting, and to make choices on his own. Not because I want him to do all of this for himself or his sisters but because at his age I was forced to do stuff on my own because my mom was a single mother and she wasn’t able to be there constantly. This made me a better caretaker of myself and made me severely independent. My kids will never need that but I want them to have those skills. Other than just showing him how things are done what can I do? I don’t want to make it a chore in itself to learn. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2vtT3gC
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
When do you let your child quit an activity?
My (33f) eight year old son has been taking drum lessons for about six months after asking for and getting a drum kit for Christmas. For the past month he keeps saying how he wants to quit. It’s usually right before lessons when he’s in the middle of something fun. I also get the feeling that it’s because he doesn’t like the daily chore of practicing. He’d just rather be playing video games or hanging out with friends. He doesn’t see it as something fun to do.And yet, during lessons he seems to really like it. And he LOVES performing. The music school does a big concert once a year where they divide the kids into bands and perform and he had an absolute blast.My husband feels like maybe we should just let him quit because he doesn’t like fighting him to go to his lessons or do his practicing at home. But I feel like most kids don’t get good at a sport or an instrument without a pretty big push. My parents allowed me to quit every time something got hard (soccer, piano, etc) and I wish they hadn’t. So I’m trying to decide if I’m being unreasonable and trying to redo my childhood through my own kids at their expense or if most parents are forcing their kids to continue with these sorts of extra curriculars even when their kid doesn’t want to. Any thoughts or experiences?TL:DR: eight year old wants to quit drum lessons after six months. How long do you make them keep practicing an instrument? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LSAUmz
Different sort of parenting post
My biological father reached out to me today. I have spoken to I’m once in 27 years. He seemed like a genuine enough man and asked nothing of me. He simple told me he would like to have a relationship with me.I think I am going to give it a chance! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2v6omyC
Is it possible for a 13 year old to be a porn addict?
Parenting throwaway bc my main is weird.Step mom of 8 years here. I'm really livid and upset right now. Heads up this will be long.Our 13 y/o boy has been showing his little brother porn. He's with us only on weekends. We've taken away all his device access and what he can use is heavily monitored when he's with us. It hasnt been a problem in a several months. He went to grandmas with the little ones this past weekend and got his hands on a tablet. Started showing my just barely 7 y/o how to search for porn and showed him videos. 7 y/o was very upset and told.This has been an ongoing problem. He has done this last year with my now 8 y/o. We've been teaching sex ed since l.o. came up asking about oral sex out of the blue and found out. We cut off all device access and have been building up trust to where the eldest has been allowed to use devices closely monitored. The first chance he got...he rook it and ran with it.We had a similar issue when eldest was around 8-10 and got caught looking for stripper and hooker videos on YouTube. At the time he said it made him feel gross. We worked with him and things got better but its become a serious issue now.I'll put it out there. I am a childhood sexual abuse survivor. I really don't take well to my 13 y/o tainting my innocent babies. I dont know how to get him help. And i want to keep them from this stuff as long as possible. Sex is great...its not a bad thing. But i really dont want their sexual ideations based on porn. Idk what - exactly - hes showing them.He also steals and lies impulsively. I'm really worried about his future but I also want to protect the little ones.His mom doesn't take it seriously. Shes a therapist and this stuff gets shrugged off. I don't understand.When he recently got caught with porn there it seemed to be a big blow out. She sent him here for a week and he had no phone at her place 2-4 weeks. Just the other day he left his phone on top of his moms car...good riddance! (He can only use it for emergencies when here). He was bragging about how sad he was aboit it because he just got YouTube and internet back. WTF!! I was shocked when this has been an issue for so long and she has been aware of it.We don't have him often and are very poor. I want to get him in for a psych eval and therapy but idk how. With the limited time and funds as well as being a noncustodial parent. Im so worried about how this behavior will affect him growing as a teen and into young adulthood. Also, again, dont want the babes exposed to this.We have a small house and the 3 share a room. I sleep in what used to be the living room its an open space and on the flip side of the enormous fireplace that acts as a divider is our game room. I want to take him out of the boys room and put him in the opposite room on his mattress or an air mattress for the time being while we figure out how to go forward.So. Do I have a tiny porn addict on my hands; is that possible? How do I get him help for his implusive behaviors? Is it wrong to seperate him from them if it means lack of privacy for a pubescent teen? How can I better protect the little brothers? Ugh.Im just so frustrated and disgusted. This was not what I expected for raising 3 boys. I love them but I'm not well equipped for this die to my background. My husband is going to handle the conversation for obvious reasons but Im seeking advice for the time leading up to that.Thank you for your advice fellow parents!Edit: To the 15 year old who was responding. I do value your opinion and wish you didn't delete your comments. I was going to show my husband your response as some insight from today's teenaged male (i know i sound old. Idc.). Im sorry you were getting downvoted. I do value your opinion no matter how biased or jaded it was. Feel free to pm me so I can still share what you said. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2vpKVxz
Hiding chores from my preschooler because he wants to help but I didn't have time
We've tried hard to include our 3 year old in house chores. He has his own broom, we bought a handheld vacuum, and he's always excited about laundry. Overall it's awesome. But last night my husband was sick and I had chores to do after putting my son to bed. He kept getting up (water, etc) and I literally hid garbage bags and dirty clothes around a corner so he wouldn't know I was doing chores! I thought y'all would find that funny too. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2AvY2TG
I am not okay.... i need help
I’m not okay. I am a mom to 2 beautiful girls. A 3 year old who is autistic and a 1 1/2 year old that is not yet talking because she can’t hear in one ear. My oldest (the 3 year old) is from a previous relationship and her father is difficult to deal with to say the least so i have a lot of stress coming from that. My husband works 2 jobs so that i can be home with the girls because we can’t afford daycare.Lately I’m not okay and i desperately need help. Im overwhelmed, i have such bad anxiety, I’m tired, and i keep snapping. It’s not healthy and i can’t do this anymore. We currently live next to my FIL and everything has to be perfect. Perfectly clean house, cars, kids, dog, and myself beautifully made up or he bitches to my husband because his ex wife did it (wonder why he’s her ex). There’s so much expected of me and i never get a break and i have no one to talk to about it. If i try to talk to my husband about it, it’s that i don’t understand how good I’ve got it and that i complain too much. I don’t have any friends i can trust. Can’t go to therapy because there is no weekend therapist (how does that actually help anyone?!) and i talked to my doctor about it today and he pretty much said “this too shall pass and you’ll miss it soon enough”. I can’t do this. I’m so scared that I’m going to do something i will regret or will hurt everyone. I never wanted to be a mom. I didn’t know i was pregnant with my oldest so it was too late at that point and i literally can’t imagine not having her in my life. I don’t know what to do and this is only scraping the top of what goes on daily. Neither of my kids listen no matter how much i punish them, they just scream all the time over everything (like the blood curdling, rattle your brain kind), my oldest hits, kicks, punches, and bites me. I have no idea what to do. My youngest is in early intervention and my oldest just got done with it. I can’t do this. I’m done. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2v4xhAq
Proud of my 4 year old for speaking up.
Sunday morning, we're leaving the house late as usual. My 4 year old wanders around the corner of the house in the yard. Nothing unusual, she likes to see our tortoise who lives in an enclosure back there.Me: "come on, (kid), we're late" Her: "daddy, come here" Me: " no, come on, we gotta go" Her:" no, it's bad. It's im_por_tant".I head back there and see Shelldon on his back and struggling. He's not able to flip himself back over. It was over 100 that day, he was I direct sun, and we weren't coming back until the next day. Not exaggerating to say that her speaking up may have saved his life. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2v60YBd
A much needed laugh
Life has been tough. I had to cut contact with my parents because I recognized that they are abusive and mentally unstable. It has been hell. I have to save all the blocked messages because they even threatened to file a false CPS report against me because I won't let them see the kids, claiming I am having a mental breakdown. So I have been saving nasty messages and in case I need to protect myself, upgraded my security, went back to therapy, so those bases are covered. My grandma is now in the hospital and I can't even call because she enables my mom. I am heartbroken.Well, my kids gave me a good laugh this morning. Last night, they asked about Jesus. I believe in God, but am not very religious, and my husband is an atheist. We are very open with the kids and encourage open discussion. So we explained about treating people kindly, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, etc. This morning, about an hour after breakfast, my older daughter comes to me and says, "mommy, Jesus says to feed the hungry. I am hungry. Can you feed me." I was dying. Not 100% what I meant, but okay. Then I made the kids second breakfast. I swear I am raising hobits! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2AqKAAh
Child wanted a music alarm
My now 8year old DD wanted a music alarm so she could start the day in a good mood as opposed to the alarm she has that shouts the time at her. Ok all good set up an old phone and put a song on it.This morning it went off and she went from 0 to dance mode in a heartbeat.Freaking hilarious - a dance off was then had at 6.45am between us.The song was that “don’t believe me just watch” one by Bruno Mars via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M2Nz3g
The gun question. How do you ask and what do you ask?
I grew up in an area with high gun ownership. I moved for college and my oldest spent his first 5 years in an extremely liberal and progressive California city. We moved and my younger two kids were born here in Texas.I have struggled a lot with how to ask about guns. I am not a gun owner myself and am unsure how to ask about them without offending the other person. I feel like no matter what I say I end up putting my foot in my mouth. I feel like "Do you have guns?" can come across as judgemental and accusatory. My oldest is 11 now and has been given more freedom. Should I still be asking this question when he goes to a new persons house? My middle is 5 so playdates are starting to happen without me more and more. How can I be sure any guns in the home are safe and secure without offending the gun owner? Is asking to check crossing the line?I want to note that we have taught our kids gun safety. I still would rather they not need to use it and don't come across guns at friends houses. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M2VxcJ
Dealing with the 'talk all day at high volume' kid.
For those of us who have kids who really like to talk a lot, and do so at mega volume, how do you handle it?My daughter is five now and this does seem to just be an aspect of her personality. The girl loves to vocalize, and if she isn't actually talking she is humming, singing, making play animal and vehicle noises. It is massively rare for her not to be vocalizing in some fashion.It doesn't help that she also has the ability to PROJECT like she is trying to reach the back of the auditorium, meanwhile she is six inches from my face. Me as a person, I am just super sensitive to loud noises. They cut through me and cause actual pain and make me essentially shut down. I know it isn't healthy for me to be subjected to this all the time and certainly isn't good for our relationship.At times it is so continuous and loud that it literally makes my ears ring. Sometimes even if I try just ignoring it, it suddenly becomes so overwhelming that it's all I can focus on and I tell her my ears are full, that she needs to be quiet or take the noise elsewhere.The follow through is minimal on such a request though, and she will either be back in a matter of moments or just being equally as loud from an extra ten to twenty feet away.I don't believe there is anything wrong here, she is able to control it when necessary, never have had a complaint from school that she can't zip it during story time or anything like that. But her level of norm is just to be making noises, all day, all the time, generally at ear piercing volume.Tips? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2n1NrpH
My three year old just discovered magnetism
My three year old just called for me to come into the kitchen. He had taken a magnet off the fridge and discovered that it also sticks to a metal folding chair. He was SO excited by this discovery! Any stories of your kids getting all excited because they “discovered” something like this? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2Askz3v
Always trust your instincts
My daughter is recovering right now from a procedure to remove a Pilonidal Cyst. She went from being seemingly fine to unable to walk in a matter of days. I checked her out and found a large area around her tailbone red, very swollen and hot to the touch. I rushed her in that same day to her pediatrician but instead of relieved I became immediately concerned with how confused the doctor looked when observing the area. She didn't seem to know what she was looking at. She excuses herself then left us in the room for over 30mins to get the opinion of another Dr. Red lights were going off in my mind at that point. She came back in, assured me its just a cyst that would be fine and would heal on its own. She sent us home with a bottle of antibiotics and advised me to have her take some hot baths for a week. On the "off chance" that it got worse I could then go ahead and call pediatric surgery myself to get it drained.I took my kid home but terribly uneasy. By the next day she had a high fever that wouldn't break with medication was lethargic and the area on her tailbone had grow significantly. I called the doctor, she assured me it would be fine, I called the pediatric surgeon they told me there were no appointments until the end of next week. Finally I called the advice nurse who actually listened and was very concerned especially in regards to the temperature. She placed me on hold to talk to the ER surgeon directly when she got back on the phone she said "He said to bring her in right now."We rushed out, the staff was already waiting for us. The surgeon was absolutely amazing with impeccable bedside manner. The surgery to drain this thing was not easy on my daughter. Even with medication it was a painful process. But he kept up the humor and made the whole gross procedure easier for everyone. Afterwards he told me he was glad we came in, the infection had spread to nearby tissue and could have gotten so much worse. From check in to check out we were there for under 3 hours. I am so greatful to the advice nurse and incredible ER staff.This is just a reminder to everyone to trust your instincts and don't take no for an answer if you know something is wrong with your child. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LHXZcr
How do you make sure your teenagers aren't being exposed to incorrect or toxic political views online?
Teens today have so much information available to them at their finger tips. The problem is that a lot of information is wrong or even toxic. This is especially true when you are talking about politics. There is only so much you can filter as they get older. My oldest is 15 and we discuss politics but I know he also comes across somethings online and I want to make sure he is able to differentiate between false and factual information and can look pass the toxic attitudes that can present themselves. He isn't allowed to have an account on here but he does use Twitter and that's (embarrassingly) where he gets a lot of his news. He is learning how to drive and I thought that listening to the radio news stations would be a good idea but he is clearly a kid who needs to avoid any and all distractions. How can I make sure he is getting accurate and appropriate information? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2OAtLpM
Son starting first year of school soon, any experience with "brain break" vs recess?
We're gearing up for our first year of school. My parents asked me about recess and I thought, why wouldn't they have recess? Well a quick search shows our area has "brain breaks" at the discretion of the teachers, despite state law saying all students k-8 have to have 30 mins of physical activity a day.Now maybe this is fine, I plan to ask the teacher when we get to meet them. But a quick search showed locals last year who set up a petition and claimed their kindergartners we're coming home complaining about being in class all day. These parents claimed the kids got 30 mins physical activity 2 times a week, and if they were lucky they would get a 15 min "brain break". They also said multiple teachers were taking away brain breaks for the entire class as a punishment.My son is insanely active. I know a lot of parents say that, but other kids his age comment on how active and hyper he is and we get comments from strangers and sports coaches just about everybody. I make sure he has plenty of time outside and he still tends to drive me nuts with his activity inside. I'm very concerned how being in school for 7 hours with little or no breaks will affect him. I know it would cause him to act out, which I'm worried would cause the teacher to take away his break, which would cause him to act out more...Any of y'all have experience with this method? Any of you have kids with no recess? How do they handle it? How can I handle it if this becomes a problem?Thanks via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2OAr6fM
Bloated belly on 2 week old
My wife is concerned that our 2 week old has a bloated stomach. Eating, peeing, and pooping normally, but it does seem enlarged. Anyone have something similar with their kidhttps://imgur.com/GqzzSVP via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2ACLpq3
How to build positive body imagine in BOYS?
I see a lot of talks on how to build positive body imagine for girls. I agree that it's necessary for girls but think boys are forgotten about in these conversations. I think boys also pick up on what the ideal man is supposed to look like. In America that means white, six pack abs, over 6 feet tall, etc. As a short and skinny Asian guy I struggled for a while with feeling like I wasn't good enough it attractive enough.I am now raising two boys and want to make sure they don't go through the same thing. Like me, they are both short and thin. One does seem to be athletic but I was as well and that often made me feel more insecure as I was playing on sports teams with guys who had better bodies than I did. They are mixed race and I know that can bring it's own identity and image issues as well. What resources are available to raising boys to be happy with their bodies? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M6das7
They had to peel her off me
My beautiful amazing little girl has been going to daycare since she turned 4mo. In general drop off had been going fine, every now and then she would get upset but for the most part, she saw her friends and her teacher and would just trot off. Then she turned 18 months and I guess separation anxiety set in? It's been a month of breakdowns at drop off. I tried hanging around to let her adjust, she just sits on me so I can't leave. I tried the drop and dash, and I get to hear my daughter wail and bang on the door as I run away. I try handing her directly to her teacher, she just grabs a hold and we have to break her grip.Today, before we even hit the door, she started screaming and crying and holding onto my legs trying to climb me. They had to peel her off me. My heart is breaking. I HAVE to work, it's not just the money, but I did the SAHM thing and it wasn't good for my mental health. She was doing so well. The teachers tell me she adjusts quickly after I leave and she is always happy before she sees me at pick up. But I can't handle this much longer, I need this phase to end as quickly as possible. Any advice? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LRTn2L
Weekly - Ask parents everything - July 31, 2018
This bi-weekly thread is meant as a place for non-parents and parents to ask questions to the community.Note - Remember that all questions and responses must adhere to our community rules.For daily questions see /r/Askparents via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M6cItV
Using the potty on the go?
My kids have started using the potty. They’re doing great. Everyone is happy. We’re struggling with outside the house though. They have sensory issues with the flush of most public toilets. My one child shakes in fear when we are in a public restroom because of the sound. They would not sit on a regular toilet in public no matter what I do. On a recent trip I convinced them to sit on a toilet and we sat there for 45 minutes. They couldn’t relax enough even though we both knew they needed to poop.So... we have a tiny potty in the car and it’s working fine. They use it, I don’t have to change clothes or clean car seats and everyone is comfortable. But what should I do with the contents? So far it has only been pee and my thought is to just keep a plastic bag or something to put it in if there is a poo. Am I a terrible person for wanting to just toss the pee onto the curb or in a grassy spot? Have any of you done a potty in the car? What do you do with it? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2OwWrjb
4-year-old can NOT stop hurting his 1-year-old brother
Two boys, exactly three years apart. The older one has never been especially loving with his brother, though he does express it occasionally. Far more often though he treats him like a toy, roughhousing constantly, running past him and pushing him down, covering him with a blanket, rolling all over him, jumping on him, etc.I’ve been consistent with time outs, along with many (MANY) conversations about not hurting and treating others how we would want to be treated. But things just keep getting worseWe’ve been cooped up on rainy days today and yesterday, and it’s like he can’t stop himself. No matter how mad I get, or how upset he is, or long time outs lasts, or how many times he says “I need to be nice to my brother,” he cannot keep his hands off of him, and it always ends in tears.I’m reaching the end of my rope, and just spanked the 4-year-old for the first time ever after he literally kicked the baby in the head and sent him tumbling backwards off the couch. Obviously not the right way to teach, and I apologized to him once I’d calmed down. But fifteen minutes later he’s right back in his room after slamming his brother’s head into the side of the couch.I seriously need help. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2OwXrEg
My five-year-old is extremely affectionate then suddenly obsessively annoying to both people and animals that he loves.
It's the strangest thing. He's a very affectionate and sensitive kid. He can be very sweet to those he loves...then suddenly turn on a dime and be the most obnoxious little shit. And usually the annoying behaviors are physical in nature, and gradually escalate.Some examples: he'll be on the couch with his grandma's dog sleeping beside him, pet him softly, lovingly, give him a kiss, etc. Then the petting turns into soft little pinches...then slightly harder pinches. And harder. Until the dog has had enough. Or instead of escalating pinches, the soft petting will gradually ramp up into hard petting, then taps, then harder taps, then hitting the dog on the head until the dog reacts. At which point he laughs gleefully.Or he'll be playing nicely with our three-year-old, then just lay on top of him - not play wrestling, just laying on him like a pillow, until the three-year-old starts yelling for help.What is this bloody COMPULSION he has? Is there a word for this? Is this part of some sensory issue? Or is this just normal annoying behavior for a 5 year old? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2voczuG
Visitation Hangover
As a result of nearly a decade of fighting with my ex-wife in family court, I finally earned the most visitation priveleges available to me in my time since seperation and eventual divorce. I'm limited to alternate weekends, two weeks in the summer and an additional day here and there if there's a long (additonal day off) on my visitation weekend. This means that overall I have about 65 days a year to see them by order (not by right. Family court laws don't see your visitations as a right.) As a result of these unfair orders that took nearly ten years to obtain, it ultimately results in what I call visitation hangover.With each visitation, especially those that are extended even just one day, that feeling of wanting and needing them with you and the resultant withdrawal makes you want so much more, need so much more. I want to reach out and call them every day, instead of every 4 days (they're request because it's difficult as hell to figure out what to talk about any time, especially when they're not in school.) It's so hard to believe how fast you grow accustomed to having with you. It's utterly maddening to me and I still can't wrap my head around it almost 11 years later.My daughters (15, 12) were here for the past 9 days. It was even more difficult to do things/plan things as the older of my older daughter was really sick for 6 days of it,including on her birthday, my chronic neurological problems and being forced to move the entire week. I tried to make the most of it. Despite the limitations, the simple fact that they were here was amazing to me. While they love to be here with me, it's an understandable but depressing feeling to know that they grow homesick quickly. They're with their mom, sisters, and fraternal step-sister/brother and step-dad 98% of the time. It's just plain logic. Even if they're just as bored there as they are here.That being said, it's never, ever, ever going to be acceptable or enough. It's nothing you should ever have to get use to, though you do adjust somewhat. It's not fair or right, but much of the time you can (at least) say that parting your seperate ways with their other parent was a much better decision for them on most levels.If you make the decision to split with your partner, make a pledge to co-parent. Children are not leverage nor should they ever be used as a weapon against the other parent. Family Court laws (which are vastly skewed against dads in both the US and the UK I know for sure and is a fact, not a feeling) will never protect equal and fair priveleges for both parents. This is something that you have to do for your children. They're the ones that suffer most when you don't do this. They flourish with both parents involved, no matter at what point in the game it finally happens. It's a brutal and miserable battle if you need to go over it over and over and over. Get over your differences and pust them first! The children see this and it abuses the daylights out of them mentally and emotionally. Don't punish them because they didn't ask for any of it. It's the best you can do for everyone involved. You'll almost always end up with a visitation hangover when you don't have primary placement, but at least you know you're doing the most you can to make sure that they are taken care of. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2NZloD2
My in-laws keep taking my 5yo to church against our wishes.
I thought I was upset with my FIL because he taught my son to ride his bike when I wasn’t around. But I think it might really have to do with religion and my In-Laws propensity to sneak my son off to church despite us asking them not to take them to Services and bible classes.My wife won’t say anything or let me say anything because she is afraid of starting a fight.Meanwhile my son thinks I’ve been hiding god from him and that I’m going to hell and he’s really worried about my soul.... via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2KebuuW
Monday, 30 July 2018
Upset about “Guy’s weekend” (a rant)
So over a year ago my husbands buddies were talking about taking a weekend guy’s trip. I told my husband then that I’m not really okay with him taking a weekend away and he told me it would never actually happen.. well, they leave in a few weeks for a guy’s camping trip and I just get more and more upset the closer we get to it.A little history...I’m a SAHM to two kids, ages 6 & 2. I also work about four hours a week while my husband works 4-10 hour days and goes to school on Mondays and the evenings I work. By the end of the week, I’m exhausted by the kids and I need him to be home to recover my sanity. We’ve been together over a decade and never have either of us gone on a trip away without the other one and only once without a kid.So, they’re leaving on a Saturday morning at 6am apparently. They won’t be home until sometime Monday. That means I will have the kids all week per usual then the entire weekend then basically the whole week again. I’ve tried telling him that I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it on my own. His only solution is to take off the Friday to kinda help with the kids before he leaves..I know a signifiant amount of people on here have spouses that travel. And I know that a lot of people often take “guys or girls” weekends away. But this has never happened and it will never ever be reciprocated. I have no friends to go anywhere with because I’m an introvert and my family is too far away to really visit without spending a ton of money which we don’t have.I’m just upset and I have no one to talk to. I tried discussing it with my husbands friends wives and they seem totally cool with it. One because she’s super mom apparently and the other has a lot of family to take the kids that weekend. One of the moms even told her husband about it who then proceeded to text my husband about me bitching about it. This particular one was actually supposed to be a friend of mine but apparently not.I’ll prolly delete this in the morning because I’m sure I’ll get a lot of hate for it. And because I’m terrified of this being used against me again but I just needed to get it out.. thanks for reading if you made it to the end... via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2OwFGF9
Being a dad is pretty great
Today my precious little 10 month old just cheered me up in a way only she can.I've been dealing with some serious sleep issues over the last week (not related to having a baby) and I was just so incredibly exhausted this morning that I stayed home from work.My wife went in to wake the little one up and I came in a few moments later. My wife was holding her, and my daughter was sucking her. I leaned in close and told her good morning. She looked at me really intently, pulled her thumb out of her mouth and put it up right towards my lips. She was offering me her thumb to suck on. She didn't put her hand down until I kissed the tip of her finger.I've had a few moments where I've felt truly humbled and overwhelmed by the love this little drool monster gives me, but this experience took it to a new level.It was just so special to see that little act of love from her.Being a dad is pretty great. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M5j78L
Question for fellow parents of special needs children.
Some background before my question: My daughter is 3, extremely high energy, sensory seeking, severe speech delay (although is has improved drastically since we began early intervention). She hasn't been diagnosed with anything yet but is being tested for autism in September.I'm aware there is a difference between meltdowns and tantrums, and my daughter mostly has tantrums but they are of the most epic proportions. I never know what will set her off, and it is usually the smallest things. She will not let me talk to her calmly, hug her, cuddle her, or anything. She just doesn't stop screaming, and if I ignore her long enough she begins throwing things (to a point where it's not safe) or she becomes self injurious. The only thing that calms her down is either getting her way or a bottle of milk to calm her down. I am trying so hard to wean her, but I just don't feel it's possible. I have tried time out, and she refuses to sit. If I make her sit in my lap for the duration she is flailing, kicking, and hitting me no matter how short the time.I guess my question is this....is it my fault she is like this? Are there special needs kids who just struggle with regulating their super intense emotions, and don't allow people to comfort them? I feel defeated and like I have tried everything, and part of me almost feels like it's my inadequate parenting that has made her this way. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2Ou3qcT
My father-in-law taught my son how to ride a bike today and I feel completely robbed.
I almost can’t even talk about it because of how upset it is making me. I am really thankful to my wife for giving me a heads up so that by the time I got home from work I could react properly to my son telling me his good news.Who the fuck goes and teachers somebody’s son to ride a bike without asking. I’ve been trying to make time to do this specific quintessential father son lesson with him. We were working up to it. These past two weeks have been busy so we were waiting for this weekend.What the fuck. I realize that this isn’t the end of the world but I can’t hide how I feel and now I’m worried that i’ll say something rude to my FIL.Advise me, good people of r/parenting. You’re my only hope via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2NS9BWQ
Annoying neighbor kids
Hello Reddit community! New here looking for some advice. Me and my husband just moved into a house almost 2 months ago in your typical all American suburbia. Lots of neighbor kids, which is fine because I’m a week away from my due date to have a baby girl. When we moved in, parents seemed super friendly. No problems there. But HOLY CRAP, are the kids annoying and disrespectful. They are constantly riding their bikes/scooters in my driveway, and they will leave their crap in my driveway as well, I always end up moving it so I don’t run over their stuff. (Have seriously considered running it over before though.) one of the neighbor boys has one of those mini ATV’s and rides it around constantly, which includes around my yard. The 3rd day we were here, his mom walked over to our driveway, introduced herself and said “your yard is a part of his trail he rides, so please watch out for him when you’re backing out of your driveway in case he’s there” I’ll wake up and there’s sidewalk chalk all over my driveway, and they will play football/play with their dogs in my yard too which sometimes results in dog poop in my yard. They do it to everyone in the neighborhood, so it’s not just my yard/driveway, but dang. There is a group of about 10 kids aged 3 to about 12. Tonight was the last straw for me, my cat was sitting in the window and 3 of the kids came up to my front window, banging on it, screaming “kitty!” And got their handprints smeared all over the window. I grabbed my cat and yanked the curtains shut, lol. After that they came to the front door banging on it wanting to see the cat. So, am I overreacting?! I’ve just never had kids around that are constantly in my yard or up by my windows, sitting on my patio furniture, ect. It’s weird! What would you do? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2mYCRjA
What kind of schedule does your toddler have?
So my 2 year old will be transitioning to preschool next year but we are worried about his transition because he is home all day with no real structure. We aren’t strict about bed time or when he eats. What kind of structure and transition do you all have for your kids? We need ideas for what to incorporate into our new schedule. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M49ozm
Any idea on how to get my kid to stop schreeching?
My son is two and is very active. While he's running around the house or backyard he will just schreech/yell constantly. Also happens when we let him watch a movie. He's not crying or nothing he seems to do it when he is really excited but gall is it loud and annoying via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2mVQBLJ
There’s a mouse in every wide shot of the great green room in Goodnight Moon and finding him has become my 2yo’s favorite part of bedtime
Every night I read my 2yo Goodnight Moon as the last book before bedtime. It’s a tradition I started with my daughter a few years ago when trying to get a clear mark for the end of story time and the beginning of bedtime.Anyway, about a week ago my son got excited when the book mentioned the mouse. I’m not sure why, we had read the book many times before, but he seemed excited and the next page with the room in it he said, “where did that mouse go!?” I was kind of surprised to find that the mouse was on the page and he managed to find it without help.The next night again he wanted to find the mouse, this time on a few pages. Again I was somewhat surprised that in all my readings of the book I had not noticed the mouse was in all the ones he wanted to look for it in.Tonight I figured let’s see if the mouse is in all the pages with the room on it and sure enough it is. Two he had trouble finding, but it is there. The hardest is one where the mouse is halfway off the page, and I had to point it out to him.So if you have a toddler and Goodnight Moon, ask them if they can find the mouse. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LDexCh
Why does my son (8) give me hell but follow his father’s instructions like a soldier????
I spent the last week my husband was out of town fighting with my son. He almost never does anything I say and when he does it’s because I make him do it right then while I watch.He’ll argue with me (not anything wildly out of bounds like cursing or yelling or anything just arguing), he’ll try to get me to shut up by just saying “yes ma’am, yes ma’am, I got it.”, he’ll have an attitude if I make him do something.But his father walks in the door after talking to me about what happened through texts and phone calls, greets everyone and lightly says, “Son, go clean your room and tomorrow morning you’re cutting the grass. I’ll be up to check on your room in a half hour.”I walked by 10 minutes later and he’s damn near finished cleaning it. For goodness sake he has his clothes folded and ready to go in their drawers. I honest to God didn’t even expect that when I told him to clean.What is it about boys listening to their dads and fighting with their moms?? My husband and I don’t hit our children so it’s not that, neither of us is more a disciplinarian than the other, other than stuff like this we both have great relationships with him. I don’t get what’s happening.When I try to talk to him I have to fight with something else for his attention ( a game, his friends, the baby, the dog, whatever else he’s thinking about). I chalked it up to him being 8. But my husband talks to him? He listens like he’s sitting in front of Socrates.Why? Why does he treat us so differently? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2Lze3NA
I think my son is hung over
My husband works full time and goes to school. I'll go back to work as soon as my son hits kindergarten. Right now, I work very part time, and am a SAHM the rest of the time.We don't get a lot of family time. Usually about 2 hours 3 days a week, then one day on the weekends.But not this week. My husband just got done with some insane overtime, and now that things have settled down at work, he took 3 days off to celebrate our little guy's birthday.We got 5 whole days (including the weekend) with him. We haven't had that much time together as a family since my son was born. Every day was a new adventure. We hiked in a mountainous nature preserve, we went to a massive arcade, we went to a carnival (our son loved riding the horses, playing the games, and riding the rides), then we went to an amusement park and stayed the night at a hotel with a pool.Last night, after visiting the local park one more time, taking a bath, and sitting down to dinner, my 3 year old fell asleep at the table. I carried him upstairs, and tucked him in. That was at 5pm. I had to wake him at 7:30am so I could go to work.He was not ready to wake up. He fell asleep again on the couch. Poor dude...I think he has an excitement hang over. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2mUzkmj
3 year old holds her pee while potty training
We've been trying to potty train our 3 year old (she turned 3 last month) for maybe 6 months now. We got her used to the idea at around 2.5, and she actually peed and pooped on both the floor potty and the regular toilet. We let her pick out her own underwear and she was excited, and she's actually very much into potty books and, admittedly, watching me use the bathroom (mom).My husband and I both work M-F 9-5, so we really only have nights and weekends to work on this. School will ask if the kids need to go, but they don't actually train.Anyway, 2 weeks ago we tried a no diaper weekend. Either underwear or nothing. Filled her to the brim with fluids, hoping she'd either notice she has to pee or have an accident. As the day went on, she drank more and more but...nothing. I reminded her every 30 minutes or so and had her sit on the toilet pretty routinely every hour. I was starting to just really hope an accident would happen. Put her down for her nap; nothing. We make it to bed time with no pee, and against my better judgement (I suffer from UTIs and if I put my baby through that I would absolutely hate myself) I put her to bed with no diaper, figuring she'd have an accident and I could use it as a learning opportunity. Nope. She woke up at 4am and wanted to change pajamas. She said she was in pain and pointed to her bladder. She fought the potty. At this point I absolutely had to give her a diaper, which she used.I decided to back off on the potty training after this. She is obviously not quite ready yet. However, yesterday she wanted to wear underwear to the zoo. Very exciting! She refused to pee on the toilet the entire day.She's either afraid of change, afraid of the potty, or I'm really not sure. She's indicated fear but doesn't get into what she's afraid of.Has anyone been through this? Is there a way I can ease her into not being afraid and to stop holding it? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2AryUgQ
Septum nose piercing for a 9-year-old girl― too much?
My 9-year-old step-daughter has recently taken a liking to my wife's new nose piercing, and she made it clear that she would like to get one done too. My wife called the shop she got her piercing done at and they said that they are willing to do it to my step-daughter too. I am not really sure about it though, I mean, isn't she a little too young to get a piercing like that done? I am afraid that her teachers, bio dad and grandparents might not approve of this, that me and my wife will get parent-shamed or that kids and people will stare, point or laugh at her. I'm also worried about scars, bullying, regrets, infections, diseases, bleeding, the price, complications and pain. Is her temporary happiness worth the risk or is it too much for a 9-year-old girl? Is she too young? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2K81KCr
We kicked our 20 year old daughter out of the house. Did we do the right thing?
Hi all.My twenty year old daughter, Emily, is very spoiled and self centred. We were very young when we had her, and often when she was little it was easier for us to let her off things because of how upset she would get. Unfortunately this become a bit of a habit into her teenage years, and somehow her tears were enough to convince us to let go of things like being involved in bullying and bringing alcohol and drugs into school, even though we were angry with her.In hindsight, we were stupid. We love her immensely, and she was such a pretty and clever child. She was a high achiever throughout school, and has grown into a beautiful young lady just like her mother. But the fact remains that us not putting our foot down when she was little let her think she could do and say anything. She throws tantrums constantly and if we get angry at her she just cries and acts like we're being cruel.Not long ago, she made a deeply cruel comment to her 13 year old cousin about her appearance, and only then did we see that it was time to take action. We took her phone and tablet and stripped her of privileges (I.E, no spending money unless she gets a job, which means no more of the expensive clothes she likes, etc) hoping that she would learn a lesson.However, she took things even further when me and her mother went out one night for a date, and came back in the early morning to find the house littered with empty booze bottles and smelling of marijuana, as well as quite a few young people passed out in our living room.Once we got the unwelcome guests out, we then tried to make Emily clean up. She refused and threw another tantrum, swearing at us and telling us to ''f#cking do it ourselves''. I was furious and blurted out that enough was enough and I wanted her to leave, and was surprised when my wife agreed. Emily then started to cry and acted frightened and saying she didn't know where to go. I said she has lots of friends and she can figure something out. She pleaded and begged us to change our minds but we were so angry with her that we wouldn't.She's been staying with a school friend, Chloe, for the past few days, but texts her mother every day asking if it's ok if she comes by. She's been saying no, but I'm not sure. At the end of the days she's still our kid. I don't know how long her friend's parents will want her to be around for. Not only that, but in September she'll be starting her second year at university, where she's studying medicine. All of her uni things are back at the house, and she'll have to come back to get them before she heads off, and I really don't want to affect her studies/future by not letting her do that. Also, we're still paying for some of her student debt as well as all her resources and such, and we're not sure whether to stop doing that.The thing we're concerned about is whether if we let her come back and keep things as they are, her bad behaviour will continue. It's our fault, but she's a grown woman now so there isn't much we can do. She's completely dependent on us. Do we let her come back even though she may not have learned her lesson, or do we let her fend for herself?Advice? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LDMt20
Personal music solutions for almost-seven-year-old
Solution finding post #2 for today:My son loves music; having control of his own music selections. He got a CD player in his room at age 2 and an ancient hand-me-down i-pod nano + a portable x-boom speaker for his 6th birthday. He loves that thing and carries it around constantly. Well, the 10+-year-old apple battery is on its last legs and I need another solution. What are your kiddos using for music? Here's what I liked about the set-up that we had:The i-pod didn't do anything else but music: no games, no internet, no movies, etc;The hardware wasn't worth so much that it mattered if something happened to it;It didn't require headphones to enjoy but the speaker was small so the sound didn't fill the whole house if he was using it to play Lego in a public space; andSuper portable. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2K7OkGs
Lost it with my 3yo.
I shouted at my son today because he opened all the bananas, broke one banana in half and put both pieces on the carpet and stepped on them, brought all his Lego down to my bedroom, scattered them and then ignored me when I asked him to put them away (3 times) when he’d finished playing with them, climbed on my head and kicked me in the face (accident). When I went in his room some of his glow in the dark stars had been chipped off the wall. He helps himself to food out of the fridge and cupboards which is fine, until he spills yoghurt on the carpet. I can’t watch him 24/7. Today he got up silently as he sometimes does so he was up smushing banana into my carpet before I was even awake.When I saw the bananas, I just lost it and really shouted at him. He didn’t give a shit. I told him to pick up all his toys or he wasn’t having juice. He told me to leave him alone while he was doing it. I shouted at him again and he cried.I honestly don’t know what to do, he’s intent on destroying all my stuff. I can’t take the spills anymore and I feel like the shittest parent and shittest person in the world for shouting at a 3 year old til he was in tears.I hate myself for shouting at him, it’s everything I said I wouldn’t do when I had him. I was supposed to be serene and forgiving and 0% like my own parents and I already feel like I’m failing him/traumatising him/perpetuating the cycle.I don’t know why I’m posting or what I want. Tips on how to be a better parent maybe? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M25hnJ
How can you be sure you have a good father as a husband???
Hello all,I am really confused as to whether I am being blinded by the fact that I would like things to work out between is as a family or if I need to look at our relationship more seriously.Some background....We are both in our mid/late 30's and we have a 7mth old child. Neither of us had much experience with children and now I obviously have significantly more as I am the SAHM. (I have just started to look for online work but had to leave my job as SO got relocated)I feel like my SO does not really want to be that involved in our child's upbringing. He does work long hours (including shift work so regularly has nights and 12HR shifts) but my concern is less about the amount of time spent with our child bit more that I feel like he should have more interest.He has only taken her on her own and out of the house twice (maybe a third time that I can't remember) and each time he had to be asked (with advanced notice and a lot of asking) This included a month where we were on holidays together visiting our families during which time he regularly got to stay up late with friends/family and I got to get up early with her.(Please note that I ADORE my child and don't actually particularly mind his lack of involvement as I enjoy my time with her so much but we are in the midst of couples counselling and I want to be clear on my own feelings of what I am looking for in a husband/father)He does look after her around the house when I am cooking dinner/doing chores/looking for work but there always seems to have to be a trade off. He will also look after her briefly while I have a shower but gets irritated by having to do it for this reason.He says all the right things 'I want to be a great father' etc.. and makes suggestions of things to do with her but nothing ever really eventuates.I have no doubt at all that he loves her and wants to provide for her and that he is a good person but am I asking too much that his eyes should light up when he sees her (there are times where he doesn't even acknowledge her when he gets home because he forgets)He also never texts and asks how she is when he's on long shifts which a lot of other fathers I know do or doesn't get very excited when she does anything new developmentally.When he is with her he can be engaging, fun and loving so in theory he is capable. On the other hand he often spends way too much time on his mobile rather than engaging her which always saddens me considering how little time he gets with her.I would love some of your insight to help me please.Thank you :-) via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M0pXfv
Weekly - Stories from the week/end - July 30, 2018
This weekly thread is meant as a place to share stories that happened to us as parents over the weekend. Share good, bad, fun, not fun, etc. Also, if you ever wonder who we are, click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LP7Igr
UPDATE: my son pooped and I can’t find it
Well I found it literally just now. I should've seen this coming. We have a desk in our room that we keep all our electronic boxes under. This desk is also behind a end table. A tight space to say the least. Well there it goes chilling on top of a PS4 box.EDIT: yes I posted before cleaning up. Sorry not sorry. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2Os46iV
LPT: Take the kids swimming before a long flight. They get tired and sleep.
We just did a 17 hour direct flight with a 1 year old and a 2 year old then came back a week later. The flight there was awful. If I had a parachute, I would've used it. They were like angels on the way back. Slept 10 hours straight. We even got to sleep. We took them swimming the whole day before we left. I think that was the secret. My plan is to always go swimming before every trip now. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2M20Rgz
Delayed development for Premature daughter. Just after some advice/support.
Hi All,Just after some support/advice especially from those who have premature kids or similar circumstances.My wife and I have two kids. A 3 year old boy (born 5 weeks prem but has fully caught up and excelling) and a 13.5 month old (11 months corrective) daughter who was born 10 weeks early. During the 8 weeks we had in the NICU, my daughter had no health concerns at all (she didn't even need CPAP at all) and the only reason she stayed so long in the NICU was learning to feed on her own. The Dr's had zero concern with her and she passed all her tests no worries at all.Fast forward 12 months and her Cognitive development is fantastic, she eats well, talks well, sleeps well. She is social and an easy kid in a lot of ways. The only area of concern our Maternal health nurse has is her low muscle tone in her legs. She hasn't learnt to crawl properly, but she is commando crawling on her belly (has done so since 8 months of ago) and continues to do so. She has movement and some strength in her legs and will use her legs when she wants to. But she refuses to hold her weight if we stand her up on our laps. Her upper body is very strong, as is her neck. But her legs are way behind the rest of her bodies development. We have had our first session with a pediatric physio and whilst she recognizes our daughter is behind, she isn't too concerned and has given us exercises to do. But today we had another check up with the hospitals pediatrician (who conducted some tests) and she brought up cerebral palsy into the conversation and although indicated the chances are our daughter doesn't have it, there are still some signs that it could be that. I am a bit emotional today and just wanted to speak to some parents who have experiences these types of developmental delays and how they improved or overcame them.Thanks everyone.edit: Spelling and grammar. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LSBXmQ
Thanks to the parents who teach their kids to be well-mannered!
I have lived in China for the past 9 years. Both of my daughters (under 3) were born there. I take them out to play daily and I cant tell you how bratty, rude, and just plain mean the kids in my upscale Vanke (largest real estate company in China) community are. From constantly pointing and calling my kids "wei guo ren" (means foreigner, ironically they are Chinese as their mother is Chinese and they were born in f'in China), little boys constantly picking on, pestering, or even kicking my daughter, kids pissing and shitting on the public community playground area, a total inability to share anything even things that are public, to parents (actually usually grandparents as many parents are not even involved with rearing the kids) watching their little brats take things that aren't theirs and doing absolutely nothing to stop them. The behavior I see is sometimes so appalling that I just have to take my daughter elsewhere to play and have to very carefully guard who she can play with.Fast forward to today... I am back stateside for a visit. First time I have brought them to meet my family. My folks live in Jonesboro, AR and while I personally have never lived here, I am vaguely familiar with the area. I took my daughters to a local park to play. The kids there, coming from various ethic backgrounds, were all super sweet and kind to my daughters! From letting her join in on the see-saws, teaching her how to spin these little wheels on the jungle gym, holding her hand and taking her along as she tried to climb the equipment, to helping me locate her when she had run off out of site in the maze of equipment they have in the park.It was such a wonderful thing to see! I had to stop and complement some parents about how great I thought their kids were. Didn't matter what race they were or what race my kids are. They all played together like they had been friends for ages. One older boy even followed us out to my car to say goodbye to her and give her a hug. Big brothers/sisters constantly telling their younger siblings to be careful and gently with her as shes so young. My daughter is such an open spirit. There are no strangers to her. It was so sweet to see the kids here treating her so kindly, sharing with her, and helping her play along. One little girl bumped her and knocked her down but came over with her big sister to apologize to me for it. I was just so blown away by the good nature of these kids as compared to what I am used to seeing in the environment that my kids were born in, even though these kids almost certainly come from more disadvantaged homes than the families I live around.I dont know if it is just southern culture or American culture in general, but thanks to all the parents who take the time to teach their kids how to be good little humans in society! You made my day today!We are seriously debating staying in the US and just canceling our return flights. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2NS21Mc
Sunday, 29 July 2018
I love it when I share something with my kids and they actually like it.
My children are three and five. The television for this age group is not great IMO. So I found some of the good ol' cartoons/kids shows I grew up on and let them watch that. Scooby-Doo Where Are You, Blues Clues, Flintstones, the good Sesame Street, old Disney, etc. They're into it! They both actually enjoyed watching it and now ask to watch one of them while during breakfast/lunch/rainy days.Before I had kids I used to roll my eyes at the crap that's on for my niece and nephew to watch. I always swore I'd make my kids watch better things. But after I actually had kids there were other fish to fry and I realized I didn't want to be a b*tch and it upon them. So I'm glad I was able to share this and I hope once they're older they'll be able to really appreciate it too!!! There's something so charming about hand-drawn cartoons. Most of those aren't even from the era I grew up in, but what my mom put on and I liked.Yay tradition! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2OrXAIQ
My son pooped and I can’t find it
My LO does great running around naked and going to the potty expect he won’t poop on it. He rather hid. Well my room smells like poop and I looked everywhere. This is going to be an interesting night. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LXggyt
Nutrition - Is it a source of contention in your household?
As a childless woman dating a man with a kid, I have found myself wondering lately how important it is for two potential parents to agree on diet. I'm at the point in my relationship where I've seen him interact enough with his child that I see not too many restrictions enforced with regards to food. Soda with breakfast? Sure. Candy? Why not, you've only had 2 bags of Skittles and a milkshake today.I certainly haven't (and will not) say anything about it, because it ain't my kid. But I'll be honest, it has made me question whether or not I could have kids with him, because that would not fly with me. I'm so-so about having my own kids regardless, so it isn't a huge loss, but it still would be nice to have the option I guess.So, actual parents out there - thoughts?TL;DR How important do you think it is for parents to agree on diet/nutrition? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2vdbgPl
How to "tap out" of childcare without traumatizing the kid?
I'm the primary caretaker of our two-year-old. There are times when I'm just so exhausted I just Can't. Keep. Going. My spouse is wonderful and willing to take over in those times. However, I always feel bad when I just say "I can't do bedtime today, could you do it?" - I mean, I wouldn't want to hear that as the kid. How do you all do that? Is there a non-hurtful way of "passing the torch" that doesn't make the child feel like a burden? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2uUVzgj
What's the most stressful place to bring kids?
Realistic options that you'd have to bring them or would be normal.Top of my list is Dave and Buster's... It's a zoo in there and everything is dark. Plus, they spend all my money. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2OnNiJM
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