My son is 6 years old and until about a year ago, he was terrified of getting into the pool. We had a pool until he was about 2 years old and he was fine, but somewhere around 3 he stared getting scared. I thought I was doing the right thing by waiting until he was comfortable to get him lessons. Out of nowhere just after his 5th birthday he decided he loves to swim - the problem is he had never had lessons but thinks he can.I hired a lifeguard at our neighborhood pool to teach him. My son is a very clumsy little boy and is very tall for his age. He’s had a hard time growing into his own body. At these lessons, he would be so excited that he had a hard time paying attention to his instructor. Then fall came and we moved.I’ve recently gotten him back into lessons and I am having the same issue. He flails around when asked to do breast strokes and kicks. He’s so excited that he yells and loses control of his behavior.Have any of you had any experience with this? I’m terrified that he thinks he can swim but he cannot. For what it’s worth, he is always very well-behaved at school and excels in academics. I’ve never had a poor report.How do I get him to calm the F down for these lessons and learn to swim???? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2foSeBy
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