So I realize this isn't the world's worst injury, but I'm still irrationally concerned.So yesterday, my four year old is pushing one of his dump trucks around in the living room, following my wife around. She stopped suddenly for whatever reason, the truck crashed into her foot and my son went ass over teakettle, somehow losing his lower incisor in the process. Que a buttload of blood and screaming and freaking out.We get him to the children's hospital, where he ends up with two stitches in his lip and some painkillers, while we're told that he'll be totally fine, just... Toothless for however long it takes for his adult tooth to come in. So years.I'm still freaked out about it. I feel so bad for him, even though I was in the other room when it happened and there really wasn't anything anyone could do to see it coming... But he used to have this gorgeous smile and now it could be God knows how long until he naturally grows that tooth back... So he's just... What, got this gap toothed smile for the rest of his childhood??In some ways I was glad it was a tooth and not a broken bone, because then he's in a cast for 6 weeks or whatever instead of in and out of the ER in 2 hours.... But he's without a tooth for the next 5-10 YEARS.So I was really just wondering if anyone had any advice, or maybe similar stories to put me at ease. I know in my head he'll be ok, but it still feels like I'm trying to convince myself, and I don't really believe it. He'll be ok, right? :( via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2xoNtit
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