She has sensory challenges (SPD). We conquered the gloves, the socks, the sweaters and even the various textures of food but we are forever fighting about the hair.In the past she didn't have very strong opinions about her hair so we cut it off and kept it varying degrees of short but sometime around age 4 she got it in her head that she wanted it long like Rapunzel. The problem is she has very fine strands of pin straight hair but lots of it. It is always bunched into a nest of tangles. Wearing a hat, having a nap, roughhousing anything beside sitting very still immediately results in tight tangles.To make matters worse her younger sister has a head of lovely gold curls that falls to the middle of her back and defies physics by never tangling and always brushing like silk. I too, am jealous.I don't know what to do. Brushing takes 15 minutes and results in tears most often. I know it hurts but it is made more challenging by her SPD. I feel like can't put my foot down and have her hair cut (it currently falls just past her shoulders) because all her friends have longish hair, plus her sister and cousins and myself. It feels like a punishment for a condition she can't change.But something needs to change, it looks dirty and she looks uncared for on the best day.Our current routine is to wash her hair every other night, towel dry and sleep on it. We brush before school in the morning. She will not wear clips, snaps or tie it up.Is this something I can improve? Can I make the hair less likely to tangle? Is a cut necessary? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2mt3bEn
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