He has ADHD, just recently diagnosed. Inattentive type. Which means that he doesn't listen to a damn thing I say, and I have to repeat myself. Every single thing I tell him, unless it's "yes you can play video games" is met with anger and frustration and this ear-piercing whine and tears.When I'm patient, talk to him calmly, and explain the reasonings behind what I'm saying - same damn thing.Me: "No, you can't have a snack right now. I'm making dinner. I know you're hungry, but I'm cooking as fast as I can and you'll be eating in ten minutes."Him: grabs nearest toy and throws it while growling "That makes me really mad! I hate when you tell me that!"Me: "I know you're mad, but you're not allowed to throw things, and your yelling is upsetting your sister (18 mos). You are being punished for that. Got to your room for ten minutes as a time-out."Him: screams, shakes the baby gate, sobbing hystericallyEvery single day. Repeatedly. He has spring break this week PLUS he has the flu and I feel like I'm going to lose my mind (I'm a SAHM). I know that mostly he can't help it, and I have really worked on staying calm when he gets worked up, but nothing helps. I spoke to his doctor and she says it's a side effect of the ADHD and there's nothing we can do right now except wait for him to grow out of it.I just can't take it. If I don't acquiesce to his every whim (and I rarely do), he throws an absolute tantrum. From when he wakes up to when goes to sleep he fights me on everything. Meals, getting dressed, chores, everything. When I threaten to take a toy away he does what he's told but he's sobbing while he does it. I just hate having to threaten him every day because he will scream "no" at me until I say "you can't have your tablet today then". It's just yelling, constantly, all day every day. Nothing about him is nice. Nothing about him is sweet. Nothing about him is cute or funny or helpful or even tolerable. He is negative to everyone and everything despite how polite and loving I am towards him. For the record I am being treated for depression and I feel like this is a separate issue.His baby sister, on the other hand, is amazing. He was never like that as a toddler. She naps, sleeps well, eats well, and is very happy and fat. He was always screaming as a baby.In my absolute darkest moment as a parent he had the flu with a very high fever last week and as I was rushing him to the urgent care I thought "maybe he'll die and I can start over."I just feel like I destroyed him. I let him watch too much tv. I didn't feed him enough or love him enough as an infant or something. It makes me feel like an absolute failure. I love him, I know I do. I want to hug him and make him happy. I would throw myself in front of a train if it would spare him any pain at all. Without a second thought! But I absolutely cannot stand him. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2obc0Pw
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