Thursday, 23 February 2017

What do you do when your S/O just isn't that good of a parent?

My husband and I have been married for about 8 years, our child is 4. I always wanted 2 children, but I have been so disappointed in my husband's parenting that I'm not willing to have another child with him.He does the absolute bare minimum with respect to our child. If I tell my husband to do something specific (small, like get or a glass of water, or big, like take her to the park) he will do it. But outside of that, he does absolutely NO parenting. I can't even articulate how little he does. He almost entirely ignores her. If I tell him he's "on duty" because I'm going to take a shower or leaving the house, he doesn't even take out his head phones or go into the same room as her unless I specifically instruct him to. Often, he doesn't acknowledge her when she talks to him unless she climbs up on top of him and screams "DADDY!!!!! I NEED YOU!!!"He's never proactive about any parenting issue. If I ask him to take her somewhere, I have to remind him to make sure she uses the bathroom, bring a snack for her, etc. Once he came home from visiting his mom's house with our daughter and I found out that he stopped at a convenience store to get HIMSELF a snack and got her nothing.On its own any one of these things wouldn't matter, but taken together:I resent himI'm disappointed in himI'm embarrassed to admit to my friends how bad of a parent he isI think he is ruining his future relationship with his daughterIs there anything that can be done to improve his parenting skills? via /r/Parenting

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