Friday, 3 February 2017

Best activity for 8yo to help him with confidence, respect and discipline?

My 8yo stands out in his classroom and has started getting self-conscious about it. He's 5', 100lbs, very mature for his age and quite ahead of his peers academically. He's recently been increasingly concerned about how 'different' he feels from his friends and peers.He's also a fairly 'typical' 8 yo boy in the sense of testing his boundaries when it comes to things like hygiene (ew!) and chores. He likes reading, riding his bike or scooter and playing video games. He has two little brothers who he loves but gets frustrated frequently with.I'd like to get him into an extra-curricular activity or sport that will focus on his confidence and teaching him respect -- for himself and others, as well as keeping him active. My first inclination is a martial art or swim team, as he's expressed interest in both and is a strong swimmer, but I'm wondering if trying out an actual team sport like hockey, soccer or basketball would be more beneficial at this point.We're in western NY, so many outdoor-only activities aren't feasible at this time of year.Any thoughts or experiences would be appreciated. via /r/Parenting

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