Friday, 3 February 2017

Bad behavior reports from the teacher again

I made a post a while back about issues with a teacher in my child's class. My daughter was having behavioral problems I worked on helping her manage her anger and frustration at home but they kept saying they could do nothing besides tell them not to do it up there. She is 4 and hearing impaired. She gets her hearing aids next week bit the teacher still implies that she understands more than I believe. And she is right to an extent she understands through context in the situation. They keep asking me to discipline her at home for what she did earlier at school that they didn't discipline her for. I do talk to her and she gets a punishment but it's hard to explain the reason she is being punished.Well she started to do better and then last week it started again but only problems at school. Way home I just have to remind her of th consequence to her actions and she will stop and day she is sorry. My mother picked her up today and saw her hit the teacher. My mom got onto her and made her apologize. The teacher talked to her and then suggested I didn't discipline her enough at home. My mom assured her my daughter knew better at home and if if we can't handle her up here then they need to call me. I'm getting fed up with this. they keep asking me what to do And they just say it can't be done .it's like they don't want to work with my daughter at all. I don't know I ots the teacher or I really am screwing up. via /r/Parenting

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