My eldest is 19. He's nominally an adult but he's also special needs so there are other factors. He has a boyfriend... But he's also a nut for Halloween.So heres this kid who I cleared out a room in the garage so I don't to have to overhear him and his man doing their thing in the night.. Or midday... Ew... Grown kid problems.And he got ditched by his little brothers for Halloween. They got a ride with a friend and there was no room in the car.So he said, "I think mostly I just want to go to my room to cry privately".Omg fuck no.So me (older, disabled, hate the cold)... And my boyfriend. We made costumes like THAT! and broke out my old mobility scooter. And took him out. He was too shy/nervous for a lot of the houses. But I made it out like, "Dude it sucks to buy candy and wait and nobody comes. They are waiting by the door! If you dont, I am!" and we went up together.I'm nearly 42. I want trick or treating. With the same "adult" kid who is still struggling to find his way between being a grown up sexual being and being a different person who will probably always cling to the way things were in a simpler time.Its been a weird couple of days. He's FTM trans and just got the paperwork for his mastectomy. Its like I'm seeing adult here and kid there and trying to navigate between the two knowing both are equally valid and true. Its not easy. Its not talked about.I just want him to be happy. Right? Isnt that the point? A good person? A happy person? via /r/Parenting
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