Sunday, 27 November 2016

My 6yo has massive tantrums about video games and screens in general. Advice?

My son still has tantrums on a daily basis, usually when he's told he has to come off the playstation or he can't watch TV. I wonder if this behaviour is normal for his age? I don't remember having meltdowns like that all the time when I was his age.I don't give in to his demands ever, and I try to ignore him when he screams and shouts or offer him suggestions of what he can do instead (e.g. I tell him it's time to come off the playstation, he throws a tantrum, so I suggest other things he can do). I'm not sure if there's a better way I could be responding to him?I try to limit how much time he spends staring at a screen to an hour or so a day, because I don't think it's good for his development, but I think if it was up to him he'd literally just sit on that playstation all day every day.He's an only child and also has tantrums when his friends come round and have to go home, or when I pick him up from their houses. I think his behaviour is pretty embarrassing, especially when his friends can be so well-behaved when they visit! I worry his friends will find him embarrassing too and/or he might get teased at school.What can we do about this? My partner and I are pretty much at the end of our tethers. via /r/Parenting

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