Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Husband treats girls like in the are in the military school

Hello I have been married to my husband for three years and we've been together for 5. He is a great husband, he works very hard, he is loyal and honest. He makes me laugh, calls me from work just to "hear my voice" several times a day, always affectionate. etc. We have a blended family, I have a daughter from a previous marriage and he has custody of two daughters. The problem is how he treats the girls. All of them. He is involved in their life, helps with homework, cooks with them, he taught them how to swim and ride bikes, etc. He not verbally or physically abusive, ever, but he gets very angry with them every time they don't follow his orders right away. He always assumes the worst when it comes to them, jumps to conclusions and starts blaming them, barking at them etc. The girls stay away from him for the most part which he finds frustrating, ironically, because in his mind he is a great dad. But when they come home from school and they are overwhelmed with "do this, do that, if you don't do this you will get in so much trouble...always negative reinforcement, never positive. He is even trying therapy with his youngest daughter but she always comes home from therapy crying and he comes home angry. He doesn't know how to be nurturing, maybe it's the 20 years in the military, but all he does is bark orders and gets angry if they don't exactly follow them. Has impossibly high expectations and It is a constant source of stress for me, because I am nonconfrontational and always have to be the cushion between them, to soften the blows, to pacify them. etc. I take him aside and explain he is too hard on them, I take the girls aside and explain he has high expectations, but he loves them. My speeches make no difference to the girls unfortunately. I have better luck with him, he usually listens to what I have to say and he is nicer to them for a while but a few days later he is back to his old self. It gets so exhausting because I can never relax. I always expect either him or one of the girls to get upset...any suggestions? PS. Maybe I am overreacting and I hope someone will actually tell me that I am overreacting. I via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2gHXD1r

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