Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Microwaving water (mixing vigerously) for formula... How is it actually dangerous?

My method: Two ounces of bottled water (just water) placed lid-less in a microwave safe baby bottle in the microwave for 15 seconds with the carousel on. Take bottle out, lid it, and shake/swirl vigorously. Add formula powder, shake again, test on your wrist/lip, then serve.We have a bottle warmer, but i do this when I'm in a hurry. Our son doesn't enjoy cold milk so much.My wife passionately disapproves of this method because of internet blogs and arguments of "hot spots" and "is it really worth the risk" - not really an argument in my opinion. The discussion quickly digresses to "just use the bottle warmer because that's what I said to do". I'm fine using the bottle warmer, but when I'm in a hurry, I find the microwave to be a quick alternative and I'm just not seeing the danger.It's my belief that water isn't dense enough to retain hot spots after a vigorous mixing (shake/swirl). Some argue microwaves kill nutrients in foods (I believe this has largely been debunked), but there is no nutritional value in water to begin with... The bottles are microwave safe (we use it to sterilize the bottles after all).So my question is, how could the method above be construed as utter disregard for your child's safety. Yes I'm bitter, but I just want to understand why it is unsafe without hearing "is it really worth THE RISK". I want to know what that risk is.Thanks!tldr: Microwave water, shake it around, add formula, feed it to your kid. Dangerous? via /r/Parenting

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