Saturday, 26 November 2016

They all laughed at my daughter's disability and I didn't react well.

The people laughing were not a group of children or strangers, but my family.My daughter has visual integration issues (among other things, the main one being autism). She has the visual motor skills of a toddler and she is 9. Last night, my nephews (both teenagers) were throwing some tissue paper around and they tossed it to my daughter. She can't time the catch so the tissue paper falls through her arms and about 3 seconds later, after it is long on the floor, she makes a catching motion. If you don't know that something is wrong, then this is does look funny. They did it a few more times and then everybody bursts our laughing, teens and adults (except my SIL who has a child with autism). They kept throwing it to her and laughing at her delayed reaction.I was appalled and it actually took me a moment to act because I couldn't believe that this was happening. This is not a toddler being adorably uncoordinated. This is a kid who knows what is going on. So when I did react, I think I just made the situation worse for my daughter. I didn't think at all. I yelled out something to the effect of stop laughing, she has a visual integration delay. My brother laughed harder and said that I just made that up. I explained to him that we have had her in therapy for this for years and it is something that we are working on.Here is the thing though. My daughter was right there. She was laughing with them. Until I freaked out, I don't think she knew that they were laughing at her. I feel horrible. How could I have better handled this situation? via /r/Parenting

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