Monday, 28 November 2016

Soccer club let my 8 year old cry on the bench the entire game and told him "your mom didn't pay the fees"

This is mostly a rant about people's lack of compassion and over reliance on smartphones for communication. My son plays competitive soccer with a club and they have a pay system that's in instalments . Season is oct to march. The last payment for the season was due Nov. 1, however I said I would pay at the end of the month, October was tough for us. After sending him down with his team and after playing with my other son, we finally settle down to watch the game. I decide to check my email ~~ he wasn't on the field anyway. I received an email from the coordinator at 1pm earlier that day saying if I didn't pay, he couldn't play. I thought for sure since we were there already they would just let him play. Nope, I look closely and can see him on the bench by himself and clearly he was drooped over and crying. I quickly went down and tried my best to get his or the coaches attention but it's hard the way the building is and with the noise. I texted the coach and he responded quickly that he was just following procedure, he will wait to hear from the coordinator, and maybe my son can go in the second half. Nope, he sits the entire game on the bench alone, while I felt so terrible and helpless. After the game my son was so upset in the car he could barely speak. I know that I didn't pay the fees in time, but I had said i would and since there was no other communication I figured that was ok. I honestly would of just stayed home and used an excuse as to why we were skipping that game had I seen the message and known what was going to happen. Although I would of called first to confirm their disciplinary actions. I am just so upset at the way they handled the situation. Why would the coach let him cry the entire game like that and not let him play? Or why couldn't he let him play and approach me privately after or before the game and warn me for the next one? This was the last November game anyway. I'm so mad that they couldn't make sure to communicate with me directly instead of relying on email and then informing my son like that. Approaching me privately would of been better. It was hard to drive home and explain things you shouldn't have to say to an 8 year old. He was crying and said 'why would he say that in front of my whole team?' This is after he was told 'your mom didn't pay the fees' by his coach. Why would they involve him like that? Couldn't they think maybe mom doesn't know about the last minute memo? Worse is now he's anxious about going back and doesn't view his coach as a soccer hero anymore. Kids are resilient but where's the compassion and common sense to leave them out of things? And Don't email me that crap last minute. Phone me, talk to me in person. End of rant. via /r/Parenting

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