Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Waking to feed at night

My 5.5 month old naps well, but he's still waking to feed at least twice at night and sometimes more. Is this normal?He goes to bed easily at 6:00pm every night. Usually he wakes the first time anywhere between 9-11, and I feed him. Then some nights he will sleep until 3 or 4, and eat again (he always nurses a lot so I believe he is actually hungry). He always goes right back to sleep. Then he wakes for the day anywhere from 6:30-7:30. My main annoyance is that he has STILL NEVER SLEPT AN 8 HOUR STRETCH. This is really annoying me because my first dropped all night feeds spontaneously and slept 12 hours straight at 4 months old. I know all kiddos are different, but shouldn't he be sleeping longer stretches by now? He seems hungry at night when he wakes to feed, but then is rarely hungry first thing in the morning and weight 16lbs so I know he doesn't need to be eating this much at night.Is this normal? Should I wait it out? How long? When should I start sleep training? via /r/Parenting

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