Sunday, 26 January 2020

Stay at home moms

Hello everyone!I’m 31, and a first time mom. 12 weeks ago I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. I’m absolutely over the moon and so in love with him.Before I got pregnant, I was pretty much a workaholic for years. I worked upwards of 50 hours a week on average and picked up any extra shifts I could. Hell, I even met my husband at work. Even throughout my pregnancy, I worked my ass off. I gradually reduced my hours per my husbands request towards the end of my pregnancy. I left work for the last time on a Friday and gave birth the following Thursday.While pregnant, and after much discussion with my husband, we decided that I would be a stay at home mom with our son. At least for the first year or two. This was my dream from the beginning. I’m not at all bashing parents who work and use childcare, I just wanted to be the primary person to bond with our son. My husband promised me he’d do whatever it took to make that happen for me.When we told my MIL, she talked to us like we were children building a rocket to the moon. We were met with comments like, “Yeah, that’ll never happen, you’re just gonna hafta put your kid in daycare like the rest of us at 6 weeks.” Also, “It takes an income of at least $120,000/yr to make that happen. Y’all are in lala land.” Real condescending.Now that we’re actually making this happen, and work for us, I’m being met with a ton of criticism from my own family. Constantly making little cutting remarks about how I stay at home. I’m lazy, I’m selfish for putting the financial burden on my husband, I should get a night job, I should get a weekend job, my husbands selfish for not wanting me to work, I don’t know what tired is anymore since I don’t have a solid schedule, “at least you don’t have to get up early in the morning like I do” etc. I don’t ask for this advice, nor do I need it. My husband and I are a united front on this one, we don’t receive any financial help from anyone, and I’m doing what we both feel is best for our son.So my question to all you SAHMs, how did you deal with the transitional period where you go from working your ass off, to being at home? Was anyone else met with unwanted advice, criticism, etc? How did you handle it? via /r/Parenting

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