Sunday, 26 January 2020

Wondering how to handle a difference in faith as a parent (at school)?

We're most likely sending our kid to a Christian school in the fall. I am an Atheist and am OK with this school choice. I went to Catholic School myself. My husband is Christian. My daughter is 3 and hasn't been introduced to any religion.Here's the thing... I have already noticed that people in this community invoke their faith in regular conversation. I don't want to spend the next few years pretending I hold a faith when I do not. That would involve a lot of work-around that would just become me flat out lying in the long run. I don't like lying. I don't usually talk about my [lack of] faith at all, with anyone. Faith-based conversations seem like they'd be hard to avoid here.Atheism doesn't make me a bad person, I don't get mad at others for having whatever faith they choose, but I don't want that set of beliefs for myself. I've been an atheist for 17 years, I'm good.How can I (kindly) let teachers and parents there know that I don't share their faith?Not running around and announcing it, but I would like to be upfront about it in conversation so that I'm not unintentionally deceiving anyone in the long run. I'd hope that the community is open-minded enough to not exclude me - or worse, my kid. But I can't pretend to be something I'm not.Thoughts? via /r/Parenting

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