Monday, 27 January 2020

Putting young children on birth control, advice?

It's not as bad as you might be thinking. My daughter is almost 10. She started getting periods a few months ago, and it's been...bad. I don't remember my periods ever being as bad as hers are. She has a very heavy flow, and is legitimately ill during her periods, which can go on for weeks. We've been talking to her doctor about putting her on birth control to help, and it's difficult because she is only 9 years old. During her last period, she ended up in the hospital because she passed out in school from blood loss, and we're decided that this needs to happen.We've had the pill recommended. Any advice on how to handle this properly and deal with the social aspects of being on a stigmatised medication at a much younger age than normal? via /r/Parenting

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