Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Our 11 month old did not go down for more than 30 mins 9pm - 4am. What else if not sleep training?!

She's never slept well. But her nighttime routine of supper, bath, story, bed at 7 is perfect. As soon as she sees the book she's throwing herself horizontal because she knows it's sleep time.We thought we hit 9-10 month sleep regression last month as she went from waking up every 3 hours (minus 20 mins taken from rousing to settled again) which for us, even at 9 months, was amazing!! to every hour- hour and half. Then, a few days ago, we had 5 continuous hours of sleep which must have been the most she's slept in 9 months. We thought we'd turned a corner!But then last night happened.We're not doing "sleep training" but midwives have told us to stop picking her up every time. But she screamed every second we weren't holding her. We had to "feed" her (comfort her on breast) every 90 mins - 2 hours because the screaming got too much but even that didn't keep her down and asleep for long.We're thinking sleep training is the way to go but I'm so curious to hear from the "anti sleep training" lot. It's so easy to say you won't/don't do sleep training if you're getting more than 1-2 hours sleep. I honestly don't mean that in a confrontational way and am being genuine but don't know how to get across my desperation at this point. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2TYycQi

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