Friday, 31 January 2020

My son and his wife had their twins when they were 16 - his wife was disowned

My son is now 24. His boys are 9. My daughter in law got pregnant when she was 16. I still remember the day they told me like yesterday. I fainted at the news. And when I came around again and processed it, it was just pure anger and I let my son know for sure!My daughter in law received a lot more than anger from her family. They kicked her out and disowned her. It was horrible and heartbreaking. She cried a lot. She was so young and she was so scared. We took her in and she lived with us during the pregnancy and the first fee years of the boys' lives. Her family is very conservative and religious and they said she brought great shame on them. They also didn't like the fact my son is black and she is white. They will never admit that but it was evident.The first few years of the lives of my grandsons was difficult. The house was at full capacity and it wasn't easy. But both my son and his wife worked so hard and eventually managed to get their own place 6 years ago. They got married last year. They are still madly in love. I am so proud of everything both of them have achieved. They are amazing parents. Their kids adore them.My DIL's mother contacted me the other day through Facebook, saying how apologetic she was for everything that happened. She broke up with her husband and she claimed it was him who wanted to disown their daughter. She just went with it because he had the ascendency in her marriage. She asked my forgiveness and told me to speak to my DIL about it, as she won't return her calls. She claims that she wants to be in the lives of her grandchildren.I don't really know what to make of it to be honest. When they disowned her I was shocked. I mean I was mad at my son and it took a while for that anger to abate, but I could never abandon him in his greatest time of need.How do you think I should respond to her? via /r/Parenting

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