Sunday, 1 September 2019

Kids writing upside down?

My son is in kinder so i know it's super common for them to switch the letters and do the reversefor example; instead of doing 'b' they might write a 'd' etc.But.... I just found something interesting.....My son really has awful handwriting, even for his age. And I assumed it was because we didnt catch his vision problems early enough. (He has worn glasses for about 2 years, but it should have probably have been for 4 years.)But when we were playing with pens and practicing writing I asked him if he could write upside down cause he always mentions how 'M' is an upside down 'W' and 'n' is upside down for 'u' etc.Well anyway. This boy can write basically any letter upside down and faster (and much cleaner) than he can write "properly"I've never seen anything like this. I sent his teacher an email stating my observations, and plan to discuss with his doc at next check up, to see if an eval in in place, but i was curious to know if anyone elses kiddos do this. via /r/Parenting

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