Saturday, 28 September 2019

Do mixed race children these days still feel like they have to "pick a side"? Is there anyway to discourage that?

My kids are mixed race. I am white and my husband is black. We are fortunate enough to live in an area where that really is not a big deal. Their school is 12 percent mixed race. My 3rd graders three best friends are mixed race of various races (Filipino/Mexican, Chinese/White, and Japanese/White) and my kindergartener's best friend is mixed race (Korean/Black). So they see a lot of families with parents of different racial and cultural backgrounds and it isn't a big deal. They are being raised Jewish and our synagogue isn't as diverse as I would like and our area has a tiny black population, but other than that I would say it is almost ideal.I watched a new show called Mixed-ish with my husband and one of the main themes of the show is how hard it is for mixed race kids to feel like they fit in. The brother of the main character ends up picking his "black side" while the little sister ends up picking her "white side." Is this something kids still feel pressured to do or was this more of an isssue when mixed race marriages weren't as common? The show mentioned that biracial kids have way more biracial role models now, so I was thinking that might make them more inclinded to feel like they can identify as biracial.Thoughts from either mixed race people or parents of mixed race children? via /r/Parenting

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