Thursday, 26 September 2019

The fine people of Reddit May have saved my life!

So a bit ago, I solicited advice about my smart but unorganized 12(m) kid. Many comments were basically “get your kid assessed/tested for ADD and do it now,” and some said “your description is me and my parents/adults did not help me and I wish they had.”So I immediately contacted the school, got a referral for a psych, got my son in already, and after the first of what will be 3 sessions, we already have some answers. My son displays ADD symptoms and is testing in the 99th % on an IQ test in relation to his peers. We have 4 more hours/ 2 sessions, but the testing is already confirming what I think already knew but could NEVER communicate to my son... YOU ARE NOT STUPID! We need to help you get organized and focused. I think he already is feeling relief. And Everyone’s advice pushed me to act.On top of it, I started to look at my own habits re focus and began taking a very small does of ADD meds. I had talked to a dr. in the past, but then I talked myself out of meds because I thought my issues were more about stress. The difference on a small amount of meds is dramatic! I can focus on my work, my energy/brain does not go off to the races as it had in the past. My brain would spin on everything at once, I would get exhausted and feel that I NEVER achieved much and sadly, that I will never get to my dreams! I am much older, but I am finally feeling that I now have some answers and that yes I CAN do the things I never could before! It’s amazing! It’s like a key that is opening doors and explains a whole host of problems I have had in the past! It’s insane. As one example, I would sometimes practice a piano piece over and over and wonder why it took me so long to learn the most difficult passages! Duhhhh... my brain was not processing and spitting things out normally! My mind would spin, even as I was focused only on the thing in front of me.Well life is great and I think my son has so many gifts - he is super smart and funny and creative - I think he will see he has wonderful things ahead and his serious doubts will seem more manageable! via /r/Parenting

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