Sunday, 29 September 2019

What do I say to my 17-year old suicidal daughter? (crosspost from /r/SuicideWatch)

Dad here, nasty divorce several years ago, mom got full custody, very spotty and problematic visitation since then. My daughter, now 17, has always had emotional problems, long before the divorce. But her problems were never serious, just the "typical" ADHD issues for which she's seen a psychologist and been given various medications. She's more-or-less socially adjusted, has friends, has emotions, intelligent, does good in school, but has inexplicable bouts of depression that she cannot explain.I live and work overseas; she's in the USA with her mom. Long story on that; it sucks, but that's the way it is. I want to be close to my daughter, but distance screws it up (and the fucked-up Family Courts). I consider myself a loving father, never abused or neglected my daughter, and always been willing to do anything to help her.So, it pains me to hear her talk recently on the phone about being hospitalized for depression with suicidal thoughts. My own beautiful baby daughter, for whom I would kill or die, talking about ending her own life. Wow. I can't believe I'm even typing this. Seems like a dream/nightmare. And I'm way the Hell over here, working to earn money, and she's back in the USA, out-of-reach.I don't know much about suicide/depression. But I know that I can't simply argue with her into being "okay", I can't give her a "pep talk", I can't emotionally blackmail her, I can't "reason" with her into doing what I want.But what do I say? Obviously, I told her openly that I don't want her to do it. I want her to live. She'll be 18 soon, and free to get a passport and travel to see me (her mom refuses to let her travel). I encouraged her to think about our reunion someday. I wanted to give her something to look forward to.She's 17, and every teenager has hormones and anger and craziness. But this is something more. I don't know what to tell her. Ideas?I'm desperate. via /r/Parenting

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