Ok so for months we have had the same routine, our son (1 year old and 3 weeks) will have his bath which his dad does while I relax or do chores that need sorting. After his bath he has his bottle then we give him 10/15 to let it settle before we both take him to bed. What usually happens is I go to the bedroom first and grab his blanket and dummy, my partner brings him through and sits on the bed with him. (When we realised my son could give kisses and was trying to, we noticed he wouldnt kiss the person who was holding him, only the people around him, if he wanted to.) So my partner would hand my son over to me, I would give him his blanket as he likes to cuddle it, then give his dad a kiss when he asked, sometimes he would do it without asking, sometimes he would give him lots of kisses to the point where my partner would eventually just have to leave or we would never get him to sleep. Very rarely he would refuse a kiss so we put that down to being over tired.Recently, the last 2 weeks or so, when it gets to bed time and my partner asks for a kiss from our son, instead of giving him one he will just scream and kick his legs. It's really getting to my partner who doesnt feel right without that kiss goodnight and I dont blame him, he has said he "doesnt love me" once or twice, after several days of not getting a kiss. Could it just be a phase? Or could we be putting him to bed too late so therefore over tired? During the day he gives his dad kisses without him asking and will hug him and play with him like normal, its just bedtime that has changed. I feel like we are just keeping him up too long before taking him to bed so he is getting over tired but my partner feels like he doesnt love him.Any advice?TL:DR My 1 year old son has suddenly stopped giving his dad a kiss goodnight and starts screaming and crying. Is it a phase or could he just be overtired?EDIT: Please don't comment telling me I need to respect my child etc, we do respect him, and if he doesnt want the kiss, we don't get one. Don't assume we don't respect our child. This isnt a normal thing for our son, he kisses EVERYONE and EVERYTHING to the point where I have to stop him kissing strangers or sometimes my phone when he has already kissed it twenty times and began leaving slobber. Any other time of the day, if he doesnt want a kiss he usually tells is by ignoring our question. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2oz8owl
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