Monday, 30 September 2019

My 6 year old kicked her teacher.

Some background: My daughter just turned 6. She's in 1st grade. Since Pre-K we've been dealing with some behavior issues at school. It started with yelling (mostly at other kids when they were being too loud or not listening). Last year she pinched a friend and threw her bookbag at a group of kids standing in line (she wanted to be line leader). This year she has pushed kids (line leader issue again) and today she kicked her teacher.None of the issues originated at home. We don't use physical violence in our home. We give timeouts for cooling down. We practice deep breathing, mindfulness, and yoga. The more issues she seems to have at school the more it starts to bleed over at home. Getting really defiant this year when she never was at home before.She is in play therapy and we are seeking assessment for anxiety (it doesn't take much to send her into a panic) and sensory issues (she covers her ears and screams when there are loud noises - automatic flushers are the bane of her existence).She is a smart kid. She can count to 100 and knows how to read easy books. She's never showed having a difficult time with the class work.I spoke with her school counselor today about getting a referral for counseling outside the school.We've told her over and over that we don't hit people. We use our words, we count and breathe, we separate ourselves from the situation.I feel horrible. It's like she's struggling with something that I can't help her with. She wasn't like this before. She's always been so sweet and lovey. She's a little beacon of positivity, always telling people they look nice and being super friendly. She's always been extremely sensitive, but I feel like that has been a good thing outside of school. At school her sensitivity just seems to make more issues for her.I don't know how to help her. Her teacher kept saying that she just seems so angry, but that's not what we see at home. via /r/Parenting

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