Monday, 30 September 2019

Would you let your child shower with your ex and his girlfriend?

Also posted to legal adviceDaughter says Her Father and Girlfriend are showering with her, am I overreacting?Daughter is 3 1/2, we left her dad about two years ago in the middle of the night for a women’s shelter. He was physically, sexually, and emotionally abusive for years and we ran for another state (SC) under court protection. Got a protective order and later agreed to 10 days a month with him(in DE) until at our custody hearing. Working under the assumption that she will be going to school with me once kindergarten starts.Daughter has been talking about showering at her dad’s since she got back earlier this month. Today she said she did not like showering with his girlfriend. Over about an hour (casually, on and off) I asked her questions and got it out that her and the girlfriend take showers together, and that sometimes her father and the girlfriend take showers with her. This sends up MAJOR red flags to me. What the fuck.It’s after hours here so I can’t call my lawyer and I don’t want to be labeled a crazy woman who called DCFS this behavior illegal, or just yucky? She is due to go back up there next week. via /r/Parenting

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