Sunday, 29 September 2019

Need help talking to my child's psychologist. I'm afraid her pills are turning her into a psychopath.

My step daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety and Depression. Yesterday, I caught my step daughter (12) trying to drown our cat. The day before, she got suspended from school for assaulting a teacher and running out of school and disappearing for several hours. These incidents are extremely out of character for her but the scariest thing and my biggest concern is that after these two incidences, she showed absolutely no remorse, fear or even offered her usual banter, she also has oppositional disorder.Earlier in the week, we had an appt with her psychiatrist, who also schedules therapy sessions s with a psychologist. We went in with the intention of asking for more therapy sessions instead of this continual experimentation with different pills which had been going on for the last three years.I work in the field of early childhood education and am required to take continuing education on subjects such a early childhood development, understanding trauma and etc. From what I have learned from these courses and observing her for 3 years is that she was never given the opportunity to develop basic cognitive and socio-emotional skills. She had an extremely dysfunctional early life and has seen and experienced traumatic events due to her mother's drug addiction.Basically, the doctor was combative and condescending and said that she really needs the pills. She then prescribed Zoloft at a higher dose than usual which was to be taken immediately. Now, I know and completely understand that antidepressants may take up to several weeks to kick in but in my step daughter's case it kicked in the next day. Zoloft is an SSRI and it works by increasing serotonin the "the happiness chemical" in the brain. I'm afraid that because she has an excess of serotonin, she is not able to process feelings such as guilt and sadness and pain.This is exactly what we did not want to happen, we wanted her to develop these skills. She is not incapable of showing empathy, I have worked with her throughout the years and she has shown improvement but with these pills, she has completely lost everything we have been working so hard for.I need help relaying this information to her psychiatrist so that she will understand our concerns instead of shutting us down immediately just because we don't have a high degree in mental health.Thanks for reading. via /r/Parenting

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