So as many of you know me and my sisters situation already ill spare you details (if you havent, my profile should have your information)So onto the update!My lawyer called me about an hour ago and told me that the CPS investigation has finished after an excruciating slow 2 weeks and that they are preparing a court case. This is EXACTLY what we've been waiting for, now alongside the CPS case i will be fileing for complete custody of my two sisters and with the charges my parents are facing and no other family members rising up to fight it my lawyer said that it is almost certain that i will get custody.The stuff my parents are facing is actually more than i expected, 2 charges of child abuse, 3 charges of neglect, and a few others that are less serious but will definitely add on to the sentencing. I believe the min is 10 years up to life for both of them according to my lawyer, CPS actually dug up some of my statements from when i turned my uncle in 9 years ago.I may seem like an asshole or insensitive but i honestly don't care. I am ESTATIC, my family is finally getting the justice it deserves after 10+ years and i honestly couldnt be happier.My fiance, my sisters, my dogs and I are going camping this weekend and it will be great to break away from our lives for a weekend and enjoy nature, i am really excited! via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2ITUVHx
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