Saturday, 27 April 2019

Children with a mental health disorder

Growing up my parents believed that a large chunk of mental health disorders didn't exist. Things that could potentially be wrong like, ADHD, depression, and anxiety (just to name a few that I dealt with) were not real and people making excuses.Now as an adult getting treatment is 1000 times harder and more expensive than it has to be. The insurance company refuses to cover even a dime of the cost it takes to treat adult diagnosed ADHD. Not only that but getting help as an adult is difficult due to a voice saying that I just need to suck it up and don't need a doctor because it's all fake and in my head.Listen to teachers and doctors if they suggest to get your child tested for learning disabilities or mental health disorders. Educate your children about the subject and tell them it's ok to get help when you need it.Your child may not be as perfect as you wish or want the world to see, but that should not prevent you from giving them the best care possible, even if it means admitting they are not perfect. via /r/Parenting

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