My kid, who is 14, has been suspended indefinitely from school and being charged with threatening a teacher or student because he googled the song Pumped Up Kicks on a school computer. I wish I was joking but I'm not. He said that he did it because his friend dared him to. There is a school policy that says inappropriate things will be flagged so my son and his friend knew that there was a chance they would get caught. Stupid, yes; but suspension indefinitely is absurd! My son sees a therapist already and I was originally told that if I get a statement from them then that would be enough. His therapist gave the school a statement saying that he was evaluated and it was determined that he was not a danger to himself or others. After the school received this, they said that because it did not go into detail and was just a few simple sentences that was not enough. I was then told that I have to have my son evaluated by a doctor that they choose before he can come back to school. I was asked to sign a release to allow all his personal records to be given to their doctor and I refused. I have been searching through child advocacy groups and trying to contact lawyers but the truth is a don't know if I can afford it, but if I don't my son will be kicked out of school and labeled as something he is not.The school administrator that decided on the suspension has been known for giving out over blown punishments. He expelled a student after her mother told the school that she self harms and wanted to get some help from them. My son is diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and has admitted to having suicidal thoughts in the past. This along with the google search is what is giving him the "impression" (his words) that my son is a threat.I know that his mental illness is considered a disability and can't be used against him. I know that the school can't suspend him arbitrarily. He has a 504 plan and he gets special rights under that. He also should be getting home instruction and has not received anything. It's been 12 days since he was suspended. I know that I can file complaints and go to the school board and I plan on doing this.I know that there are things I can do, but I am just so broken over this. My son is a good kid and I feel like I failed him. I've tried to help him as much as I could and when I couldn't I tried to get him the help that he needed and it feels like life is slapping him in the face for it. He has never been confrontational or disruptive, never started a fight or been in one. He doesn't deserve to be treated like a criminal over his mental illness.I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I work full time and go to school full time. I also have four other children. I have to continue to go to work and maintain good grades while battling the school and I just can't do it all. I've missed a couple of assignments and my grades have fallen. I've had to call out of work a few times and have gotten a warning. I am breaking down but I don't have the option to stop.My biggest fear in all this is that I will come home and my son will have committed suicide from all this stress. I don't know if I could go on if that happens. I've been crying all night and I can't sleep.I just wish life was easier and that bad things didn't happen to decent people.Edit: added more info for clarification via /r/Parenting
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