Saturday, 27 April 2019

Just Wanted To Share A Win

I'm a pretty negative person usually, and I'm trying to work on that, so today, I want to share a success of mine and my son's. My son is two and a half, and doesn't speak very well yet. He's in a phase where his favorite word is "no." This phase has been incredibly frustrating. The last three days have been sunny and temperate and that's rare for where I live, so my boyfriend has been taking my son outside to play every evening, while I make dinner. It's nice. Except that yesterday and the day before resulted in HUGE tantrums when it was time to go inside. Today, we were outside, and out of nowhere, I decided we would take a walk to the park. I'm not usually spontaneous, and I'm kind of obsessive aboit sticking to schedules, but this evening, for whatever reason, at 7:15, when I'm usually making dinner, I decided to take my son to the park. We had the park to ourselves, and the three of us had a really great time. Around 7:50, my son looked at me and said "home?" and grabbed my hand to walk home. When we got home, I started throwing together a grilled cheese for something quick for dinner, and even though he was still a little angry about coming inside, it wasn't nearly as catastrophic as it had been the previous couple of days. It isn't perfection, but it feels like a win, and it's encouraging to me that as soon as I started actively trying to be a little more positive and a little less rigid, things got a little bit better. It's a step in the right direction for sure. via /r/Parenting

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