I'm seeking advice on how to handle a situation we had at home today. First a little background info: We are a family of five living on the outskirts of a city right where nature starts. Our neighbor owns a piece of land and lets anyone who wants go hiking and camping on his land. He's only happy it 'gets used'. Our eldest daughter who is 13 if often out hiking and even camping, mostly on her own. Last weekend our 7 year old had her 9 year old best friend over and they asked the 13 year old if they could go and camp at the lake which is on our neighbors land an hour walk from our house. She agreed to take them and the 9 year olds parents were fine with this as they know us quite well and trust our 13 year old to take good care of the little ones.Our 13 year old was excited to take them and 'proud' to be trusted with the responsibility. It's not a difficult hike, the lake is a small 'safe' lake, there's phone reception and no other people around. Everything went well and the 9 year old and our 7 year old successfully spent the night sleeping in a tent by the lake with our 13 year old. When they got back home in the morning they couldn't stop telling me how good of a time they had had and when 9 year olds dad came to pick her up they were still talking about it. I suspect this is what gave my 13 year old the idea that she could start 'babysitting' but instead of just having kids over to babysit them she would offer a 'night sleeping by the lake'. She mentioned this to me in the week, but I didn't think much about it at the time as I was focusing on what to put in the shopping basket and then I forgot about it.Well, today she came into the living room and was super excited by this idea. My husband and I were both on the couch on our laptops as she came in and started talking. She told us she had made a poster she wanted to put up in our local grocery shop offering to take 2-3 kids to camp at the lake for a night for 25 dollars per kid or 50 dollars if you are 3 kids. She was including a night meal she would cook out by the lake (on a camp cooking kitchen) and would prepare sandwiches she would carry with her for breakfast in the morning. She had clearly put a lot of work into the poster, formulating the text, selecting a nice picture of the lake, checking the cost of ingredients for the meals, making sure she had equipment for everyone and so on.Now, my husband is very much a realist and his first instinct is always to criticize any ideas anyone has for a project. So after a while he interrupted my daughter and asked her who does she think is going to send their kids into the woods with a 13 year old girl? At once I saw her facial expression change and she stumbled a bit until she said doesn't know. My husband asked what is she going to do if any of the kids get injured? Daughter replied she would bring her first aid kit but husband said he meant what about insurance? At that point I could see my daughter's lower lip was shaking a bit, but she kept it together and said she hadn't thought about that. Husband didn't notice this change in her mood at all and asked her what she is going to do if one of the kids doesn't listen to her and runs off? Daughter hadn't really thought about that either so husband told her to go and think about it, then turned back to his laptop and continued with his work.I can tell my husband did not notice that he hurt his daughter's emotions. He did not notice the change in her facial expression, how all her excitement went away or how her lower lip shaked for a minute until she got it under control. After this interaction I went up to see what my daughter was doing in her room, asked to see the poster she had spent all day working on and told her it was very nice. She kept saying "It was just a dumb idea. I don't know what I was thinking" and laughed it off. I told her perhaps she could make a fun experience for kids letting them camp in our backyard, but she said that isn't really the same and she realized it's better she doesn't have responsibility for anyone's kids. She said it had seemed like a good idea to her at first because when she was 7-10 she would have loved it if someone would take her camping by a lake, but she understands no one would want to send their kids off with her. My impression of this is that she was feeling embarrassed that she had thought so 'highly' of herself that someone would consider sending their kids off with her in the first place.The reason I am posting this here is that I don't know if my husband was insensitive towards my daughter, or if my daughter needs to learn to hear criticism without immediately having her lip start shaking and giving up on her idea. My gut feeling says that at her age it is more important to encourage ideas and bring out the positive than to immediately deliver criticism. I don't want my daughter to become afraid of sharing her ideas because she knows they will just get shot down, but on the other hand, I don't know if she is abnormally sensitive? Was her reaction normal? Am I doing her a disservice in thinking that my husband should be more gentle when raising his concerns? I want to raise someone who can handle normal levels of criticism, but I am also worried about ruining her self-esteem. She really looks up to her dad and takes in every word he says.Secondly, I want a second opinion on her idea of taking kids for a night sleeping at the lake. I must say I think she had a good idea overall, to create a fun activity for kids while earning some money for herself, and I could even see myself spending 50 bucks sending 3 kids out camping on a summer night. At the same time I am a parent so I know where my husband is coming from and I would also be reluctant to send them with a 13 year old I don't know. But I do know the 9 year olds parents were happy to let her take them and there are other local families who knows who she is so if she starts building a good reputation perhaps they would feel safe sending their kids with her. She is very responsible but of course she doesn't have the experience or confidence of an older person. I just want some input from someone else regarding how realistic her idea is because I don't want her to completely let go off it just because one person didn't believe in it, even though he may well be right. via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2DDEv2D
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