Am I[ M38] being a bad parent for not being fully angry with my son who just THE OTHER DAY broke his bully's arm when he saw him talking about things hed do to his sister?Dont get me wrong, I'm furious that the Child would talk about my daughter in that certain way. Specifically having sex with her, she was young and had a few guy friends. But that doesn't mean she was a slut. I also knew my son was getting bullied. And I've talked to the parents. But their are just as thick in the head.But let's start at the beginning.According to my son ( Stef ), it was Monday. At around 5 PM and he just finished tutoring his boyfriend for the day, his sister waited outside because they like to walk home together. So he was walking down the main hall when he was being followed by his bully ( let's call him Kevin )along with two others, Kevin holds him back and "does his shit all over again. The sick fuck doesn't know when to stop" ( his words not mine, he has a decent vocabulary around 6/10). Kevin called him names, swore at him He got pissed by this and tried to ignore him until Kevin started talking shit about his sister, asking him why she has so many ( 3 ) guy friends if she wasnt a slut.He then insulted her colorblindness and her artistic skills, along with her glasses. How it was ugly and she should just get contacts. Stef had enough of him and punched him on the jaw. They started fighting in the middle of the school's main hall. And his boyfriend came along and tried to stop him but he couldn't. Stef pushed him against an angle on the wall and kicked his arm that laid straight against it. He kicked it so aggressively and hard it recieved a few fractures and alot of bruises.I didnt know where the other two boys were, but they weren't involved in the fight, that's for sure.He was finally held back by the school guard and the principal. And no sooner than that was I called in to talk about the situation while Kevin was at the hospital. My husband was at work and I was home waiting for them. So i went alone to the sudden meetingI came to the school and was told that my daughter was with the principal and I was needed at the clinic. In the clinic, Stef had a bleeding nose, and a couple bruises on his arm and his knees, hand had a cut or two, but no broken bones. I seemed to be the only parent there, other than his boyfriend, who partially explain to me what had happened at the moment and immediately asked what happened.He told me that Stef got in a fight with Kevin. Broke his arm and so they had to rush him to the emergency room. He also apologised for not getting to the scene earlier to stop him. I told him it was alright.Then I was ushered to the principal's office after the nurse was done patching up my son.This was not the first time that I had been to principal's office because of Kevin. Kevin's parents are a brick wall to talk to, nothing goes through their heads in the right order. I cannot explain how thick in the head they are. But I dont want to talk nasty about them, because that's just wrong.So to cut it short. The principal said that my son Stefan was suspended for two weeks and has to do a little community cleaning when he gets back. And as for Kevin. They plan taking him to a counselor or maybe even expell him from school, since it wasnt the first time he got called in for bullying other kids.And just yesterday. I talked to Kevin's parents. And holy fuck, did I come back home boiling. They were just so unbearable. I've explained to them that their son needs serious help and they need to teach him to learn to take responsibility for his actions. He's bloody 18! My son is 18 and he doesn't go around punching kids his age in the face and calling them names. He has a bit of decency, at least.Now I'm not saying my son is any better or is superior to Kevin. I'm just saying, the boy shouldnt be acting like that. I've told the parents that maybe they should take him to a psychiatrist for help if they wont help him. Inside, I really wished that he would be expelled. It would certainly pull alot of weight off my son's shoulder. And I wont have to see his parents ever again.As for my son. We grounded him for two months. Meaning he isnt allowed to go out or have his friends over for a while. Which he accepted half heartedly. I'm not even mad. In fact I'm sort of proud of him that he stood up for his sister. But I was not proud about the whole break his arm and he'll not bother you again, solution.I'm sorry if I'm sort of spilling out information around. I know this sounds like a rant. And it partially is. I just a little frustrated while typing this down. If you have question dont be afraid to ask. I'm open to talking about this. But only to a limitTL;DR : My Son broke his bully's arm after he talked about her disgustingly. And I'm not even mad at him. But I know I should be via /r/Parenting
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