Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Do you get involved with your child’s friendship dramas?

I’ll preface this with how I’d prefer not to get involved with child-dramas. I think it’s important for them to navigate it on their own, but with me there for advice if they need it.However, my 10yo is really struggling. We moved house and school at the beginning of the year. My Daughter has high functioning autism and chronic anxiety. When she was 8yo, she spent the whole of Year 3 not talking at school. She was so anxiety ridden she couldn’t speak in class whatsoever. Since then, she’s come SO far. She’s had lots of therapy and is doing great. She’s seriously the bravest kid I know and is always pushing her boundaries even though it’s scary for her.One day last year she walked up to the counter at a cafe and ordered herself a hot chocolate. I cried. A normal thing for most people, but a massive thing for us. She’s truely amazing and always trying things outside her comfort zone, albeit at her own pace.The first week of her new school she made SO many friends, I was so happy for her. They all wanted to play with the new kid. Well, a few months on and they’ve tired of her. She ended up with just one friend. That’s ok though, she does prefer one on one friendships as opposed to large groups. Her and her friend would walk home together, and had a good friendship. Last week, her friend has opted to play with another kid, and the other kid doesn’t want my child around. So my baby girl has been walking around the playground on her own. Her anxiety is creeping up on her again and she’s unable to speak to a teacher about it because she doesn’t know what to say. We’ve practised/ role played conversations at home on how to approach the teacher to no avail.To make things worse, her younger sister who is two years younger than her, is super popular. My 8yo has always been able to make friends easily, she’s very confident and attracts friends. She’s offered for my 10yo to play with her and her friends, but obviously my 10yo feels silly playing with younger kids and has refused. She’d rather walk around on her own.She really wants to rekindle her friendship with her original friend, but the other kid speaks for her and says no. It’s seems her friend does want to play with her, but the other kid isn’t letting it happen. Every instinct in me wants to jump in and ask what is going on? But I know approaching the kids isn’t a good idea. I can’t force kids to be friends with my child. I have a feeling most of them find her a little odd or tiring and can’t be bothered with her.It breaks my heart. I want to speak to the teacher, I know she’ll help but I feel the kids will be playing with my daughter because they’ve been made to, and it might cause resentment?I’m at a parenting loss and don’t know what to do to help her. She’s an amazing kid, and I’m finding her shrinking more and more again as she looses friends. She doesn’t know how to ‘act’ to get them to like her and is losing all confidence again. I’m scared we’re going down the mute path again after so much improvement.Any advice would be appreciated... via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2IS3vYk

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