So our usually happy and bubbly 17 month old is going through a little bit of a rough patch right now, sleeping wise. I assume it's the 6 teeth that all decided to come down at once.She had been sleeping through the night for quite a while now, but the last few nights not so much. Usually one of us gets up and rocks her back to sleep, and we even take turns when it takes too long for one person. But last night she woke up around 02:30, by 03:15 we decided to just take her into our own bed but she was so active and wiggly that by 04:00 we had to put her back in her crib and I decided to just sleep next to her on the floor.During this process I (M, 41) discovered I am officially too old to be sleeping on floors. It did the trick though; with enough close quarters cooing and lullaby's she finally went to sleep and so could I, somewhat. I had the weirdest dream about a massive spider. It was freaky.At 07:00 I woke up and sneaked out of her room and back to the glorious softness of my mattress.Here's to a productive day! via /r/Parenting
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