My 15 year is an enigma.She is brilliant, top of her class, head of everything, all around perfection academically.Socially, she chooses the wrong people and allows them to drag her down.At 14 she was pregnant. She blames me. She chose to have an abortion. She blames me. She started telling everyone I banned her from seeing her boyfriend and won’t allow them to communicate... I didn’t.She can’t seem to understand that there is more than meets the eye. She has this idea that she is the only child that ever gets in trouble or that we have problems with because we handle each situation in private. If a kid is in trouble or we need to discuss something it is done in private. So all she knows about are her issues. She truly can’t comprehend that the other children do get in trouble and we do have to get onto them because she doesn’t see it. (Yes we’ve tried explaining it.)When she found out she was pregnant she bragged to everyone but then said “don’t tell anyone...” She was devastated to find out people knew and were shaming her for it. She can’t believe anyone would have spread the rumors. She then decided that I had to have told everyone because she just knows her friends would never tell. (Why in the absolute hell would I ever tell anyone my 14 year old was pregnant?!)I took her and my other teenager to start birth control. I specifically choose not to put her on the pill because I just knew she’d make a scene over it. Like pulling it out in class and announcing she forgot her pill, or carrying it around in her hands. I figured the shot was best for both of them, they agreed. I (wrongly) assumed a shot would be out of sight, out of mind, no need for a show in public. WRONGShe told EVERYONE. Not only about her being on birth control, but her older sister, who is VERY private and would never want anything like that broadcasted. I KNOW as soon as I talk to her it will some how be my fault or be about me loving other sister more.She makes out with her boyfriend in class and causes a scene if a teacher separates them. She thinks we are insane because we tell her sex without a condom is never ok.What do I do about this behavior? I’m at an absolute loss. How do I talk to someone with this mindset?Everything is always my fault, she can even sit and explain why it was her mistake but then will blame me to anyone who listens. She loves drama, she loves a scene... But now she is broadcasting her sisters business.TLDR Teenager loves chaos and drama and is broadcasting personal information that is no ones business, then blaming me.(I’m in therapy. She’s in therapy. We don’t allow her to be alone with the boyfriend.) via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2IVsvx4
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