Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Should family ask permission before grabbing baby out of your arms?

Not sure if I’m overreacting and wanted to get others input. I’m 32 F and stay home with my 10 month old who is exclusively breast fed and is cared for by me the majority of the time. He has developed some attachment anxiety. This is the first grandchild for my mother in law and I know she’s excited etc. she comes over to see him every 1-2 weeks- we also go to events on my husbands side like holidays, birthdays, and game nights. Anyhow, mother in law will come up to me while I’m holding my son or he’s in his sling and put her arms out and just snatch him from me and walks to another room to play with him. This enrages me as I think she should ask if she can take him or pick him up. I think that is very disrespectful. I don’t care if she wants to hold him and spend time with him as I almost always say yes when she wants to come over or family events. I think she has crossed a boundary. I always had the feeling she has never liked me and only tolerates me. She has never tried to cultivate any relationship with me and I’ve reached out multiple times to try and bond with her but the wall is up. She is only nice to me because I’m with her son. This is not the first time she has been disrespectful. When I gave birth she announced his birth with pictures on Facebook before I even had a chance to. I think it should be the parents pride and joy to do so. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2FBcLgp

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