My son, whom just turn two, is such a sweet boy. He is really calmed & always happy. Our daycare has a cameras, and in occasions when I get to see him interact with his other classmates, I have noticed that the majority of the other kids are not friendly towards my son. I just breaks my heart. I see how they push him away when they are playing together & he wants to participate. I see that he is just usually by himself, not for lack of trying.I know there is nothing we can do about it, I just wanted to voice this out, since its made me so emotional lately, just feeling helpless. I know this is life, and expected for him to be picked on when he was MUCH older, but not now. I just wish it was not like this. I hope this post mainly helps me calm down since I am an emotional wreck at work, need to get my emotions together. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2FDL6KM
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