Saturday, 30 March 2019

My husband leaves during conflict and it’s having a negative effect on our family. Need other perspectives please.

My husband and I have been together a while, married for 2 years and have a one year old. When things get overwhelming, my husband walks away, as in leaves the property.. drives away. I’m all for that when we are fighting but now that we have a child, he walks away when she’s upset.Just an hour ago was an example, we took the binky away from our daughter and she’s having trouble sleeping without it. We sang her to sleep for a nap and rocked her, she wasn’t having it. My husband puts her in the crib to “cry it out.” After about five minutes he grabs her from the crib and puts a binky on her mouth then walks out the door yelling profanities. I know he’s frustrated but he’s too rough with her and leaving doesn’t help anyone. Now my daughter was inconsolable and I’m left alone. It’s frustrating because I want us to be a team but he quits on me.I understand people need space, but your child’s needs come first. If this was a once in a while problem, I could live with it, but weekly is getting out of hand. I’ve spoken to him a bunch of times after she’s gone to bed but nothing changes. I’m not the perfect partner either but we have to be a team.Am I overreacting because I’m upset too? Is this rational and I’m just not sympathizing with his way of coping? I need outside perspectives because I’m feeling via /r/Parenting

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