My 5 yo daughter and I have started a routine where we go to the library and pick out a chapter book that I can read to her. We are currently reading Charlotte’s Web. This was one of my favorites as a child I think because I grew up on a farm and always liked the idea of the animals talking to each other. Anyway we are about 5 chapters into this book. We finished the part where Charlotte catches the fly and explains that is how she eats and if spiders didn’t eat bugs that bugs would take over the world and most likely cause ruin. We have a small discussion about how spiders are actually good and not always scary they just like to surprise us in unexpected places. Literally the next paragraph says something along the lines of “Poor Wilbur. He has no idea what will happen at Christmas time. He doesn’t know that Mr. Zuckerman and Lurvy are plotting to kill him” my daughter lets out this huge gasp and yells “they’re gonna kill him?!!” Now keep in mind our family hunts and fishes and she has seen us clean a few deer. She knows where bacon and hamburgers come from. The concept of meat being dead animals isn’t new to her. I think in this case since Wilbur has been humanized and she has developed a reader relationship with him that it effected her this way. We did have another discussion on meat coming from animals. I also suggested that we should keep reading the story because that may not be what happens to Wilbur. It was really hard to not giggle a little bit while finishing this chapter. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2U9scpc
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