My kid (4 1/2) is picky and an extremely slow eater. I was the same way as a kid. I really try to have her try new foods and at least taste 1 bite of whatever we're eating for dinner. However, for probably half of our dinners, we end up cooking her an alternate option.Here's why: when she was about 2 1/2, one morning she would not wake up. After about 5-10 minutes, she finally did and we gave her juice and some toast. The night before, she chose to hardly eat what we had for dinner, and her blood sugar must've been extremely low in the morning. The doctor didn't seem concerned (at all, really) but it was really scary. Since then, we've had several episodes of her waking up with shakey hands, once where she vomitted (empty stomach), and she's often just miserable if she doesn't eat frequently enough (like any kid). I know people say "kids won't let themselves starve, they'll eat when they're hungry!" Well, not this kid. She refuses to eat a lot of what we eat and will literally gag when trying things. She's perfectly content to skip eating if we'd let her and when she does eat, it typically takes her 40+ minutes for a meal.I don't know if we waited too long to introduce foods to her as a toddler, or if it's some weird sensory/texture thing. My main concern is getting enough calories in her so we sometimes supplement with Ensure/Instant Breakfast type drinks. She eats a lot of dairy and PB for protein, and occasionally hummus, but eats very little meat and it's usually highly processed chicken products, ugh.Our mealtimes already consist of us reminding her to stop talking and take a bite, I don't want to make them more of a battle by forcing her to eat something she won't. I gave her the option to eat what we're having or one other choice of something similar and relatively healthy each night. She doesn't get to just pick whatever she wants to eat every night.Not sure what I'm hoping to get out of this post, I guess just letting others know that sometimes you just have to do what works for you and your kid(s). My husband and I aren't pushovers when it comes to other things, but I NEED to get food in her belly and I don't want to make it a fight every day, so if that means giving her an alternate option, so be it. I'm open to any suggestions/advice. Thanks! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2U6aQcD
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