A very dear friend of mine and her husband had their first child, a girl, at the same time as my husband and I had ours. They're our best family friends, we've been close with them for at least 10 years. Both girls are almost 3. Their daughter has always been super "spirited" and demanding, while ours is pretty easygoing.Whenever their daughter has a meltdown over something like, say, my daughter holding her favourite toy, my friend basically rushes in and fixes the issue. So, like, my daughter sitting in the seat hers wants? Mine is asked to move. My daughter holding Elsa? Can she have her doll back, please? And my daughter just rolls with it, no big deal. But it's not super fair, is it?I have seen many times how their daughter escalates from mildly indignant to full on can't-breathe tantrum, so I absolutely understand what they're trying to avoid here, but they're not doing her any favours, or my kid, either!I mean, when this kid doesn't get her way, she will literally tantrum hard enough to puke for THE REST OF THE NIGHT.I know my friend has some guilt issues over working a lot and not being around as much as she would like, which I'm sure plays into what's going on here. Her husband engages in the same kinds of behaviour, to a lesser extent.I do not want to "mom-judge" my friends. They're loving parents, doing the best they can with a very difficult child, but short of teaching my child to stand up for herself better, I don't know what to do. I think I have a good enough relationship with these friends that I could possibly broach the issue, but what to say? I have no solution to offer!I just feel like as our girls evolve in their friendship, this dynamic is going to get more and more toxic, and it could end up hurting the relationship we have with our friends.Does anybody have any ideas that might help? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2TNPQ5w
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