This is kind of an update from: https://ift.tt/2U0RGVN filed the motion in court. She never responded to it and didn't show up so the judge granted my motion! I have him 90% of the time now.I'd given him some gentle warning as best as I could without making her look bad (well, as much as I could) and he was fine with it.The week before the court date, she decided to take him back on the old schedule since her sister (who was kicked out of her house for violence and alleged drug/alcohol abuse) was living with her temporarily and they could kinda switch off.Welp, now she has him Saturday and Sunday every other week. And the judge made the parenting plan permanent. I asked for no child support and that's what was entered.She says she mixed the days up and that's why she didn't show up (okay, sure, despite being officially served and with the notices on different colored paper up top) but when she learned what happened, she kinda flipped out.After picking up my son, he told me she spent 2 hours talking to him. A mixture of how much she loves him, how family looks out for each other (?) and then the rest on how I'm a shitty person. The sad/nice thing is that when he mentioned that part he added "It just sounded like lies." Because he knows me and how I act. I don't talk bad about her to him and I've always shown my love and respect for him.Throughout all of this (again, sadly) he's good with the new parenting plan. Honestly, I'm 100% sure he's more worried about losing time with the ex boyfriend (since he pays attention to him) rather than his mother.I've talked carefully about how people can lash out when they're hurt and things to look out for after we had our discussion and I raised the idea of therapy if he ever wants it. Or to just talk to me or anyone he trusts.Is there anything else I should look out for or do from my ex or him? She's always gotten her way in court and I don't think she ever in a million years expected to lose custody. And he says he's fine and seems fine but I worry about missing signals? I know I'll look for a drop in grades or enthusiasm or other similar things. So far I've seen nothing like that. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2Fxtzno
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